13. Edward will harm you.

Start from the beginning

"And Edward Turner is your boyfriend?" she asked as she stepped forward.

"None of your business." i shot back.

"Im just here to warn you Bella." she said and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh may i know what will harm me?" i asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Edward. Edward will harm you." she whispered slowly.

I wanked her hand away from my shoulder.  

"My boyfriend will never do any such thing!" i shot back.

"I don't want your life to be ruined Bella. Get away from him as soon as you can, if you stay with him, the consequences will be bad." she said.

"I don't believe you. I know what kind of person my boyfriend is. I won't judge him or leave him just because a stranger told me to do so. I hope im loud and clear Maya." i said as i turned back to leave.

"You will regret you decision Bella!" she screamed.

I ignored her and walked out of the washroom. Edward stood out waiting for me.

"What took you so long? I was just going to come in to check you." He said looking worried.

"Nothing. The lock of my cubicle was not opening but i managed." i said faking a smile.  

He did not say anything and we reached the table and sat down. Our orders were placed on the table and we ate silently.  

After the dinner, Luke paid the bill and we walked out of the restaurant.

"Enjoyed the food?" Luke asked as we all walked to his car.

"Yes." i said and the others nodded.

We arrived home in no time and i was pretty tired by now. The day was long and i was totally sleepy.

"See you guys later. Goodnight." i said and slowly walked upstairs.

"Goodnight sweety." mom replied.

I got in my room and was about to shut its door when someone came inbetween to stop me from shutting the door. I opened the door and saw Edward standing.

"Ain't i sleeping with you?" Edward winked.

"Oh yes." i said scratching my head.

Edward stepped inside the room and took off his shirt. He threw his shirt on the floor. 

"Such a hot lady present with me here, im feeling hot." he winked.

I blushed.

"I'll be right back." I said picking out a pair of shorts and tank top from my wardrobe. 

I got myself changed and threw the clothes unfolded on the floor as i was too sleepy to bother about it.

Edward was already lying on the bed. I took off my necklace of Rubies and placed it on the table. I sat on the bed.  

Suddenly Edward got up from the bed.

"I'm thirsty." he said and poured water into the glass which was kept on the table.  

My necklace fell on the floor as Edward placed the glass back on the table but his hand hit the necklace.  

I got up to pick it up but he stopped me.

"Don't be bothered. I know you're tired, just sleep." he said and layed back on the bed.

I nodded and slept facing him. His hand wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"I love you." he whispered looking into my eyes and pecked my lips.

I smiled. I could feel his warm breathe and slumber took over me.  


**No one's specific POV, just general POV.**

Next morning Bella and Edward were deep into their sleep.  

Bella's mom stepped into the room and her mouth formed an 'O'.

"Bella!" She screamed.

Bella woke up and looked at her. Edward opened his eyes too.

"You both had sex?" mom said looking disgusted.

"What?" Bella and Edward said in unison.

"You're trying to play dumb?" mom said in an angry tone.

Suddenly it hit Bella and she realized her mistake.  

She looked at the floor and her dress was lying unfolded on the floor, her necklace was on the floor too. To add cherry to the icing, Edward's shirt was lying on the floor and oops they both were sleeping together cuddled.

Bella broke out into laughter and looked at Edward.

"She thought we had sex because our clothes are lying on the floor." Bella said inbetween her laugh.

Edward started laughing too.

"Mrs. Horan, i surely didn't touch your daughter." Edward winked. 


Author's notes:

Lol i loved the ending of this chapter. ;) 

As i promised you guys for the chapter, i posted it.  

What do you guys think of the story until now?  

I hope you guys liked this chapter. :)

I guess this will be the last chapter i'll post before my exams.  

My final exams are around the corner and i need to totally concentrate on it now.  

I didn't leave you guys with any cliff hangers so i hope y'all don't hate me. lol.  

There are gonna be many twists in the future chapters. This story is going to be more interesting. :D  

Well so yeah thanks for all the reads/votes/comments. 

Love you guys to bits. x



FAN. :)

-Bella&Liz. x

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