Chapter Nine

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Father was standing in our kitchen, I gaped at him, he looked over at me, giving me a smile. I ran into his arms, missing him, still hating him for what he done to me and my mom. Deep inside there is a part where I miss my father. Now here I am standing right beside him, like I used to do. He spoke to me in that gentle voice of his, putting his hand on my shoulder. My father was speaking, mostly giving me advice. Right now he was showing me how to cut a fish fresh from the stream while he did that, he gave me advice on girls. Back then I was to young to understand. Looking into my father's eyes as he pulled out the guts. 'Why did you leave us?' I wondered to myself, 'you were so happy being my father.' You even told me that you were proud to be my father, 'Were they just empty words?'

Opening my eyes, I blinked the sadness away, sitting up, remembering the time where me and my dad caught some fish, getting taught how to butcher it the right way. 'I wonder if Anthony fishes?' I snort at that, not being able to picture this man doing that. I got up from the sofa, deciding to get some water and stretching my shoulders. That sofa isn't all that comfortable for my back. Not wanting to go back to sleep; I decided to go up the stairs. 'Want to see his sleeping face.' Since I never seen it before. Also never being up here before; I didn't know which room was his. 'I didn't think this one through?' It was early dawn, so it was easier to find where Anthony's room was by seeing a lump in one of the room's; opening the first door and seeing what I was looking for, I quietly snuck inside. My heart skipped at beat when I saw his sleeping face, 'So different when he sleeps.' Knowing under that lump is a ball of raging fire. I put my hand to my face, where a small bruise was from his slap, 'He didn't go easy on me, did he?' I heard moving, a bit of whimpering could be heard, and then, "Kill...kill...this man." I gaped at that, 'Was he dreaming about his job?' Not seeing Anthony being the killing type. He is a gang member, but I feel like he is more of a gentle guy then he lets on.
'Least around me he is.' Only seen him in action one time, but that was just punching a guy in the face.
Anthony whimpered again, 'What is this guy dreaming about?' Seems to be a nightmare from what I see. Then I realized, 'Could it be a past memory?' when was he with my mom; I ease-dropped on their conversation a few times and I remember him not talking much about himself  really, 'Wonder what you are keeping hidden?' When my mom ever asked, he would avoid the topic of his childhood the most, 'Did he not have a good childhood?' Reaching out to his face, gently stroking his hair, before going down to kiss him on the forehead as a sign of comfort. Seeing he wasn't stirring anymore; I let him be, heading back out of the room. 'One day I will have the courage to ask him about his childhood life.' Knowing he needs to trust me first before he reveals it. 'He probably wouldn't be a gang member if he had a nice childhood.' Peering over at his walls, I noticed he didn't have any pictures of himself being young nor any family photos. 'Since I'm out of school for a week, I can do some snooping while he is out.' I will first try to ask, hoping to get answers. If not then snooping it is. 'Now that I think about it; I think my mother has photos of her and Anthony together in our basement?' Making a mental note to check tomorrow. 

It was mid morning, when I woke up once again, hearing Anthony on his Apple smartphone, he was talking to my school, telling them I wouldn't be attending for awhile. Lying to them that I caught a cold. This shocked me, 'Why lie to them Anthony?' sitting up, rubbing my eyes as he hung up. He noticed me up, walking over, "So you finally are up huh?"

I looked over at the stove clock. Only being 8:00 am, peering back over at him, "Why did you lie to my school?"

"That's what I did when I didn't want to go to school," he simply answered.  This was my chance, watching him drink his black cup of coffee, 'I heard people who drink black coffee, have a dark soul.'

"What were you like when you were around my age?"

"Nothing to brag about," he answered back.

 I gaped at that, "So basically the way I am now?" Anthony glared over at me, but it was not a feeling of rage, there was something else hidden behind those dark browns of his. "I want to know more about you...I mean you know what is going on in my childhood life." He gaped at this, "I would think it is only fair if I knew how yours was?" I watched him drink the rest of his coffee, dumping it in the sink for me to wash later.

I watched as he walked upstairs, "Getting ready for the got some chores to do for me today, while I go out."

"Are you meeting up with them?" I wondered. He looked over at me, "I know your secret now, so there is no need to hide it from me anymore."

"Yes...I am meeting up with them today," he walks up the stairs, I sighed, hoping he would answer something about his child hood, but got nothing in return. 'One day he will hopefully tell me.' Made my mind up to keep pushing till he does. I want to know everything about him. The parts that make him laugh, happy, sad, scared. I want to know everything. Even the darkest, depressing memories of Anthony's.

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