Chapter Six

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"Have you lost your marbles!" Dawson wondered, "have you gone completely bonkers?" the event that follow after seeing his mother, who I did not mention on visiting; got me to pull her son out of school for the rest of the week, and in return do some fun stuff together. Go to the movies, a fair wouldn't be a bad idea either, 'Wonder if he likes to hike?'

Let's go back a bit, to when I rode right over to Sky High, after the prison visit. I wanted today be special for this kid, feeling somehow bad for him, texting my gang members that I won't be around for a couple days. They asked for a reason, but never gave it to them. Not needing to know about my private life. I parked in front of the school, looking around, making sure no one is there before taking off my helmet. Going in the school, the hallway was clear. Not a fan of people seeing me, because of people thinking I am suspicious, with my black helmet and outfit. Knowing the way they stare at me, judging me by their eyes, from top to bottom. 'Now where would Dawson's class be at?' I wondered, deciding to peek in the hallway window of each class. Till I found his face. Waving to get his attention. He was tabbing his pen, while listening to his teacher. Noticing me, he asked to be excused. Dawson had a shock look on his face, to see me inside the school. "Anthony, what are you doing here?"

I looked down at the ground, not knowing if I could look him in the eyes, without revealing his situation, "Let's go somewhere!" I shouted at him, startling him a little at my outburst. Grabbing his wrist and running out of the building. And that's where we are at. Letting go as we got to my motorcycle. Turning around, "Get on," I said.

"What!? but I can't leave school like that?"

"Are you talking back to me?" I wondered, acting as if I am getting angry. 'If I acted my usual self, he won't think anything is wrong.' He obeyed me, getting on, "I decided you will be out of school for a week."

"Isn't that against the rules?" I heard Dawson's shocked voice, "I mean, you need to let the school know, if I will gone for that long!" he shouts over the engine being turned on, putting on his helmet, "if I just go missing that long, they will start talking!"

"I will make sure to contact the school then for you! Enough now! What movie would you like to see?" I felt his arm around my stomach.

"I have one in mind!"

We stood in the line, of a movie theater, I haven't been to one since I was a kid. 'It is so different now, then back then.' Dawson points to the menu they have, showing me what he wanted to see. 'The Dark Pit.'  "Isn't that a horror movie?" 

He turns to the ground, "The only way I connected with my mom, was watching horror movies with her, it is also how we talked to each other, without her yelling at me." 'I remember Amanda loving that type of genre.' Decided to buy the tickets, going to the snack stand for a large popcorn and a coke for me and sprite for Dawson. The movie was in room 4, going down the hallway.  Checking out the posters, as I walked down the hallway. Dawson stood in front of one, gaping at the picture. "What is it?" I wondered, going over to him.

"" he turned away from it, "its...nothing...let's watch"

I grabbed his shoulder, to make him look at me, "Another rule I don't like is lying!" he halted at my temper, people looked at us funny.

"You been lying to me for the most time I known you!" Dawson decides to shout back, "I know what you do for a living, I always known." I gaped at that, frozen, stiff. Never wanting him to find out, "I followed you one night and found out."


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