2 - The Outcast

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7 Years later.

Sanctuary H.

"Do you all have your masks on and oxygen tanks filled?" A tall man asked, standing by an airlock door. He had his right hand on the handle. In his left hand he held a gas mask with tubes which connected to a large tank on his back. He was covered from neck to toe in an airtight suit. His eyes ran over the group of people behind him who were dressed similarly.

Each of them motioned in affirmation and he did a quick headcount.

"Let's go. We have five hours." He put on his mask, covered his eyes with protective glass and quickly forced the heavy door open. When everyone was outside he closed the door again and watched as the gas that had entered got sucked away in the ventilators and got released outside.

He looked up at a camera and gave a thumbs up, notifying the defence team of a successful exit.

This was a scout and gathering mission. He was to roam the areas around the sanctuary, searching for any zombies in the area. He was also supposed to collect any food which they came across on the way. His route took him North while the other teams went South, West and East. Now 46 years old, he had been doing this job for the past 8 years. Today's mission, however, was a little different. His team this time was not his regular crew, but, instead, some young folk on their first time practical training for scout and gathering missions. They were not much older than 19, with the youngest being around 17 years old.

"Mado! Don't wander off! We can't waste time searching for anyone who disappears!" He roared at one of the boys.

At the back of the group, Trein observed the dilapidated state of the world around him. The buildings were crumbling around him and the near opaque toxic gas floating about made it hard to see very far.

The sound of growling echoed through the streets. Trein remembered reports of wild dogs becoming air-turned. He shivered a bit.

"Trein, are you alright?" A female voice.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." The person was Soph, a friend of his.

"Ok then, I'm going on ahead, since we're falling back a bit."

"Yeah." Trein watched as she sped up a bit to catch up with the others. He then noticed that three other persons were falling behind. He felt an anger rise up inside him.

"Trein, how are you?" one of the person's asked.

The three were a group, two males and one female, who constantly made his life a living hell.

"Admiring what your dad has done with the place, aren't you?" Another one jeered.

Trein, full name, Trein Londel, was the son of a well known chemical scientist, Richard Londel, who's name was released in the list of names of the people involved with the accident that had caused the eruption of the toxic gas that had caused the turning.

In the sanctuary, since the names had been released almost 9 years ago, when he was just 10 years old, he had been treated as an outcast. Soph was the only one who spoke to him as a person and not as a traitor to humanity.

"My father and I are not the same person. Why are you guys coming at me for his mistakes?"

"Why not? For all we know, your father is probably dead already, so you are the next best option for taking out our anger on."


Trein felt a hand grab his head from behind and an arm wrap around his neck. One of them had snuk behind him during the discussion.

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