Was he just shy when it came to theoretical concepts but courageous in person? Or was Cale just messing with him?

"You're surprisingly eager." Roksu closed his book and gave Cale his full attention. "I'm perfectly happy as I am."

Cale rolled his eyes and gave him a sleazy smirk. "You put your book down though. You're interested."

"It's not everyday that I get propositioned." Roksu replied, looking entirely unflustered. Cale didn't take offense, Roksu never looked flustered.

"How about this?" Cale began, taking Roksu's lack of complaint as encouragement and placing a finger on his lips. "I do my best to please you and if I succeed, you do your best to please me. Sound fair?"

Roksu hadn't actually been considering the proposition seriously. After all, he was positive that Cale hadn't brought it up seriously. But it appeared that Cale was getting more into the idea as he persisted.

Well, it wasn't a bad idea. Cale did appear to have some experience and Roksu actually didn't have any. He'd never cared much about sex any which way, or romance for that matter, and spent the majority of his life prioritizing his next meal. Other than that, there were some friendships but nothing sexual...

And he knew Cale well enough by now to know that Cale wouldn't do anything painful to him. Roksu really hated pain. He couldn't say he knew the crown prince even that well. For all he knew, the man was violent, possessive, and aggressive. Not an ideal prospect.

It couldn't hurt to gather some experience before potentially meeting a 'fucker' as Cale put it.

"...it's not a bad idea." Roksu admitted, completing his mental calculations. "Alright, I'm in. What should I do?"

He was probably revealing just how inexperienced he was with the question but Roksu didn't have any plans of pretending to be more knowledgeable than he was. And he knew better than to trust the novel he'd just been reading.

There was no way that two dicks could fit there.

Cale waved him off. "Just keep reading your book." There was a mischievous hint to his tone that worried Roksu a bit. What worried him more was how Cale crawled across the couch and placed his head oh-so-innocently in Roksu's lap. Looking up at him with an impish expression. "I'll handle this."

Ah, Roksu really should have been prepared for the way Cale's hand sought out his cock but he really hadn't. He let out a small gasp that only made Cale's grin grow.

The fringe benefit of this to Cale was definitely seeing if he could break Roksu's rather impressive composure.

Nimble fingers gently extracted Roksu's cock from the confines of his pants and Cale lazily went about searching for Roksu's weaknesses. It was a bit relaxing actually. Slowly and leisurely using his experienced hands to bring Roksu pleasure.

It was rewarding too, hearing Roksu's suppressed hiss as his cock started to harden with interest.

Of course, Cale didn't just plan on lending out his hand. He just rather liked taking his time.

He especially liked bringing his partners to the brink of madness.

He didn't think he'd manage that with Roksu, considering his personality, but he'd still have his fun.

He peeked up at Roksu and was pleased to see that Roksu hadn't even bothered to pick his novel back up.

Good. He was at least more entertaining than cheap fiction. Cale had a particular punishment planned for those that ignored him for those embarrassing books.

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