H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:23:

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You guys better comment so much on this chapter, or I'm going to make a seat for you at the irrelevant table. LOL



November 30th

9:37 AM

"Mommy?" Hailee said to me, walking in from downstairs.


"Do I have to go to ballet tonight?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good."

"Come here," I patted the seat next to me with my free arm, adjusting Aria as Hailee did as I said, then felt the top of her head with my hand. "No, you don't have to go tonight. I'll call Ms. Heather later. Let's go get some medicine."

Standing up, I walked over to Aria's playpin, setting her gently in it as I took Hailee's hand, walking with her into the kitchen where I went in the cabinet, pulling down her Motrin and put it in one of the little measuring cups, handing it to her and watched her swallow it down.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I squatted down, kissing the top of her head before I stood back up and took her hand. "Want to watch a movie together?"

"Yeah." She nodded, walking back into the living room with me where my phone was ringing on the table.

I let go of her hand, walking over to it quickly where Justin's name lit up my screen, a smiling curling it's way quickly onto my face.

"Hey Justin." Nodding my chin I looked at Hailee, motioning over to the movies on the shelf.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Right now I'm ok. You?"

"I miss you guys. I'm just ready to be home again.

"I know, me too, but just a few more days. How is everything going?"

"Great. Everybody has something here though, and I think I'm catching it."

"Hailee's sick too. I'm not taking her to ballet. She's running a fever."

"Aw, really?"

"Yeah, and Aria is in her playpin. She was up a lot last night too, which means I was up a lot." I mumbled, watching Ari roll over in the playpin, somewhat of a babble escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry. I'll take over for a little while when I get home. Has Hailee been good?"

"For the most part, yeah. I mean she's kind of adjusting too...she's not an only child anymore. She's not used to that."

"That's true too."

"So...what about you? Any new music?"

"Yeah actually, I've written a few new songs on the road. Grammy nominations come out at the end of the month you know."

"I know," I nodded, Hailee patting my leg with a movie in her hand. "Ok, just sit it on the table."

"Huh?" Justin asked.

"Sorry, was talking to Hail. She picked out a movie. Anyway, my album from last year...I mean like it went platinum, and I've never won a Grammy, you have, so I'm pretty nervous."

"I understand that, but you're album was amazing. If you're not nominated then they're just stupid."

"I'm a mom though...I haven't really been doing anything."

"Then do something. You don't deserve to be staying at home."

"But...after the accident..." I whispered, walking close to the window. "I don't know."

Head Over Heels:Book 4:Hidden Secrets: Justin Bieber Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz