chapter fifty seven

Start from the beginning

Anakin didn't so much as blink.

"Don't make me kill you."

So that was it, then. From brothers to enemies, in the blink of an eye. Without even so much as a warning. Anakin was so ready to kill him... Obi-Wan couldn't even see a hint of the boy he once knew in those snake-eyes. Yoda was right. There was only one way to put a stop to an evil so powerful. No matter how much it would kill him to try... he couldn't let Anakin roam free, so evil and unhinged like this.

Who knows how many people would be crushed under Anakin's wrath?

The older Jedi sighed, long and deep, hot air stinging his lungs. He couldn't feel his lips move, but the words left his mouth somehow. "I have orders, too," he reached for his saber. "I will do what I must."

You lunged forward as soon as you heard a saber sheath to life. Glowing blue flame, reflecting off all of your faces. Obi-Wan was so shocked at your actions that you managed to slip his lightsaber off before he could reach it.

You unsheathed the saber, and held it in front of you. Aimed at Anakin.

He looked shocked at first. Then pissed.

"I'm not going to kill you. Just answer my questions," you demanded, palms already growing sweaty on the hilt of the saber.

You felt like a fool saying those words. In what world would you ever be capable of killing Anakin Skywalker? Not even due to lack of swordsmanship skills, but solely for the reason that you loved him too much.

Both weapons hummed, low and deadly, pointed at each other.

"Y/n, put down the saber. You don't need to threaten me for answers."

"Clearly I do. You lied to me."

A twitch of his eyebrows. "When?"

"You said you would take me with you. If you ever turned, you said you would take me with you. You promised."

Obi-Wan stared at you hard, disbelieving, but you were too focused on Anakin to care. A muscle in his jaw ticked, leather glove tightening on the hilt of his saber.

"I was going to come back to Coruscant to get you after my mission."

"You still left. You still turned. Did you even stop to think about me at all? About how this would change things for us?"

"Of course I thought of you," he seethed. "I did all of this for you. To save you." Bathed in red, he looked like a demon. "For the first time in forever, I chose my own future. I am doing this to ensure that you're in it."

"How?" How would any of this help, other than quell his own growing rage at the Jedi? Even if you felt it, too, you knew this would solve nothing in the end.

"My new master has promised me the secret to everlasting life. I pledged myself to him for you, Y/n. I am more powerful than any Jedi now. I– I can overthrow the Jedi."

"Overthrow, or murder?" you saw right through him.

"Whatever must be done. Now put down the saber, and join me."

"I've heard enough," Obi-Wan reached for your saber, but you swung it away from him. He leaned back like you might swing it at him, but instead you twisted it around in your grasp. Aimed at yourself.

"Wait–" Anakin reached for you, then stopped when you brought it closer to your heart. "Stop! What are you doing?!"

"No more death. No more anger. No more hatred. If you want this all to end, Anakin, you'll put your saber down. Or I die."

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