ch-3. Complicated past

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Porsche's pov~

It has been a month since the minor house incident and our date happened. Every thing has been going great. I almost always spend nights in Kinn's room. Almost everyday we will be sneaking into kinn's room to make out while everyone else thinking that i was getting 'punishment'. It was funny when i get out the kinn's room and bodyguards will give me pity looks. Who will tell them that what is actually happening behind those doors.

But it also has been a month since i last saw Vegas. Kinn was still distracted for couple of days after the incident but then he finally started acting like his dork self again and that was relief as it was hard to see him being distracting and zoning out again and again.

But specially for today i am nervous as today we have monthly meeting with minor family. This means vegas and kinn again will be face to face. The last time they were together , they had their guns pointing at each other. And after knowing everything about their past, i don't know how will i see vegas this time. As according to khun and kinn vegas was a good person. Loving and clingy person. Have a smile that light up the world.

The smile that i have saw, if we follow what khun has said, it was fake. But if that smile was so charming and addicting then how will he look when he would actually smile from his heart. Im curious-

Wait..! Why am i even thinking about him. After what happened i should hate him. Yes, i should hate him. Asshole!

As i was busy in my head looking out of kinn's room window, i felt hands around my waist. "You're frowning. What are you thinking?"

I sighed as Kinn put his chin on my shoulder and giving a small comforting kiss on my neck.

"Nothing just thinking about the meeting."

" if you want you also can refuse to come there. Its ok."

I turned around in his arm and from looking at his face, i know i can't leave him alone for this meeting.

I was not going to anyways in first place.

" No, im coming. And you're telling me that im frowning but you're looking equally stress." I teasing smiled at him.

He chuckled at that and giving me a peak, he turned around to pick up his blazer from the bed and putting it on. He walked up to me and cupping my cheeks and leaving a kiss on my forehead.

" after what happened in the minor house, if you feel uncomfortable at the meeting you can walk out whenever you want. Ill tell everyone you've been sick so you were already allowed to move whenever you want as if you feel dizzy or want to rest. Okay?"

I smiled at him and nod. Loving the way he still taking care of me even when he's himself in stress.

Kinn's pov~

In the meeting room-

As i expected, there he was sitting in front of me looking at everyone with his cold eyes. Throughout these years, Vegas has changed so much.

From the happy and cheerfully smiling guy to the cold eyes and a deadly smirk that sends shivers in spines of people.

From the person who always used to tell me that i should be the one who will get informations from people becus he cant stand watching so much blood and torture to becoming a straightout devil from hell who would go to any extend to get what he wants.

From being my angel to becoming a monster that underworld people are afraid from.

I quickly looks away as vegas looked at me, probably felt my gaze. I turned my eyes to Porsche who was standing beside of me, little behind, to see how he's doing. He look down at me and gave me a quick nod as if to tell me he's alright. I looked back in the front and saw that Vegas was looking at Porsche as if he wants to say something but can't. Porsche seems to not notice his gaze as he was busy at looking at minor family's bodyguards to keep a watch that no one is doing something suspicious.

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