"Sure, it's Jennifer?"

"No formal, but, eh, she was kinda known to us for a while. Before she straightened herself out."

"Who's there? You have at least moved her out of the water?"

"No, we thought you'd want her in situ."

"Get the body out of the water. The chlorine will destroy any DNA evidence there might be. And the body temperature will be screwed so we can't get a time of death."

Carson looked shamed and embarrassed. "Chief. Agent Andersson says to get the body out of the pool," He ended the radio communication. "Sorry, we thought we were doing the right thing."

Taylor said nothing as she called a number on her mobile. It was after 5:15; she knew he'd be up, "Harris, we need another autopsy done."

She stopped at the reception area.

"Where's your barrier point?"

Carson looked over.

"The point where you need to be suited up."

He gulped.

"Fuck sake. I know you are not used to this kind of crime, but honestly," Taylor raised her voice.

"Agent Andersson, I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to my staff like that. Carson was away to collect you; the barrier point is just through here."

"Sorry. I just can't believe you left her in the pool."

"That was my call. I had assumed there would be no way to determine the time of death or collect DNA anyway. You'll understand when you see her."

They suited up, pulled up the white hoods, and placed the slippers over their shoes.

"Watch your footing. These are not good for slippery poolsides," Sarah said.

The body was now semi-bagged, awaiting the zip. Dr. Howard was standing over the naked body directing a photographer.

It was shriveled and wrinkled; the skin had started to break down, and there were open sores along her side and back. Her feet and hands were almost purple from a lack of circulation. There were lacerations to her face, open wounds with no blood, no bruising. Postmortem. Taylor guessed that these had been caused as she aimlessly crashed into the sides of the pool while being carried around by the rapids.

"This is another dump site."

Dr. Howard nodded. "I think so. No blood. But also, the sores and osmosis level would suggest she's been in the water for days. Some of the sores looked like they were starting to become infected. It doesn't necessarily mean that the water was dirty but likely that she would have been in the water with whatever her body had excreted."

Sarah looked pale. "Andersson. We're not used to this. The officer who arrived first on the scene has had to go home. She's traumatized."

Taylor nodded. "I understand, and I'm sorry I shouted at your team and questioned your decision." She was sincere. "We're all going to have to pick our game up. People who can be as callous as to watch someone die slowly over days is not someone who is simply going to stop."

Suddenly she remembered. "Tattoo?"

Dr. Howard nodded, "Yup. Same place as the other," they kneeled at the foot of the body. "An upside-down triangle," He said.

"It can mean a few things, but given what happened. I'd say it means water," Taylor stood up, "Arrange to take her out to the morgue, please. Harris is on his way up from Boston. He'll be with you about 10. Dr. Howard, are you okay to assist him again?"

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