5. Conflict

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A/N: worst part that I wrote... cringe.


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"It's alright, you've been moaning just Tay last night anyways..." I tried joking and his eyes widened.

"W-what happened?." he asked and I didn't respond.
"Forget it."


it's noon and New has been all quiet all day as expected, I hated when that happens and it felt so uncomfortable, I also hated that he didn't care after he forced me, I wish I didn't let him... But I didn't had any other way... I didn't want to hurt him...

"hey why are you so cold today?, it's annoying me..." Mae elbows my arm and New looked at me who was just in front of me.
"yeah..." is all I answered.

"did something bad happened yesterday?, I thought you just came from your brothers bachelors party?." Mae hugged me.
"don't-..." I sigh.
"Newie what upset this baby.." Mae said and New turns to her.

"I-i don't know, we had fun last night in the party but he just became like that earlier." New shrugged and I rolled my eyes.
"I think he's mad at you..." Mae raised an eyebrow.

"Anyways I think Tay will get over it tomorrow... he's a child, let's just go home and rest." Mae said and hugged me tighter before letting go.

I was gonna walk out and follow Mae since there's no one in my building anymore.
"w-wait khun Tay.." he reached out for my arm.
"what?." I asked and yank off my arm from his hand.
"I-i'm sorry I was j-just finding a time where we could be alone... I know you're upset for what I did and not even talk to you after but... I couldn't just find the right time..." he panics making me stare at him

"I-i was just wondering why you still let me..." he said and I sigh.
"isn't it obvious?, I like you New... but this just... I don't know, I think I made a mistake..." I tear up.

"I shouldn't have let you, I-i shouldn't have fall for my assistant, this is ruining it all... I regret everything yesterday." I cry.
"but New, you are a very nice guy, you are very kind and everything but what you did there was unexpected... I wasn't asking you to care for me, but that is just common sense right?, it turns out that you fucking raped me and you acted like nothing happened, you know I could have called police but I couldn't, I could have hurt you for my own safety but I fucking couldn't..." I trailed off.

"just go home, I don't want to see your fucking face." I say grabbing my bag and head out leaving him speechless in my office.

But in the end, I still ran into Mae's arms.


I drove home from an emergency with Kai and I saw New standing up by my gate ringing the doorbell, I looked at my clock and it's 2 in the morning meaning there's no one in my house yet because my guards are on duty at 3 in the morning, I looked at my suit with blood stains and I sigh... fuck...

"hey asshole!, stop ringing the doorbell, you want ghost opening that gate for you?." I walked to him pissed.
"K-khun Tay... c-can I talk to you?, wait what happened to you?!."

"I don't know can you?." I sas opening my gate for my car to go in ignoring his second question.
"come on Khun Tay, l-look at you what happened?..."
"come inside and lock my gate... personal assistant." I said and he obeys it, I came to my fountain and started cleaning off the blood on my arms.

"did you take down notes like I told you earlier?."
"yes.." he answered with his voice shaking.
"how many calls that you answered for me."

"a lot..."
"do I have any meetings?."
"thank you for your time, now go away..." I said standing up.

"Tay... Can I just help yo-."
"what?, what do you need from me?, nothing right?, you can't just use my body like that, I am your boss, I could fire you any time I want to, so if you want me to keep you working with me, fucking leave me alone!." I shouted stressed out, I stood up from the fountain and walked towards him.

"Never talk about this to anyone." I point a finger at him and he stared at me scared.

"I-i... I'm sorry for what I have done, I know it turned out bad but I couldn't take care of you after we woke up, first, we were hurrying for work... second, we couldn't have a time alone, we were busy all day." he explained he had a point.

"look... khun Tay, it's just that one night, I was drugged, I wasn't sober at all... and I am very light in any medications, alcohols, and drugs?!... I-i swear to god, I Don't remember anything at all... I don't know what I really did... I just woke up seeing a scene..." he couldn't speak well.

"couldn't you control it?." I asked trying to calm down.

I was gonna be a mafia boss, well my long time friend Kai got the job 'cause dad didn't want me to go... because of my trauma and my anger issues... that's why I had Mae with me so I could learn to talk things out, guess it worked.

he looked at me releaved that I'm finally listening to him.

"when I was in elementary, I was with my parents, they were driving me to school..." he started.
"my father crashed the car, they were fine but as a child sitting at the back enjoying myself I didn't buckle my seatbelt making me fly to the front and my head crashed through the window."

"that caused brain damage, but I got my trainings to exercise my brain but of course my old behavior won't come back all the way, that is also the reason why I-I don't speak well and I am very sensitive a-and sometimes I forget what I do or I don't even know what I'm doing..." he explained.

"also the reason why I didn't got hired at some works I applied to, so when I came to you I was so nervous I even asked if you were the son of khun Vihokratana and you are indeed... but I felt so bad now that I hid my condition..." he looks down.

because it was a part of his condition why would I hate him for that?, I feel bad about his condition and he even got drugged, but I'm mad at him now that he didn't tell me, we could have talked about it better so we didn't led to this situation right now.

To be continued....


Boss {TayNew/Polca} short story.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora