After Part III

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Brianna Carter | After

"This seat taken?"

"It is, actually," Claire responded, looking up at Alex distastefully.

"The British killing machine is waking up, so you might want to check on her." Alex nodded towards Mae, who was starting to stir.

"On it." Claire agreed, giving up her seat.

Alex sat next to me, but he still wasn't making eye contact.

"I'm sorry." He said finally. "About earlier, I mean. I get that you're better now, but you scare me." Alex's eyes finally met mine, but they didn't seem scared in the slightest.

"I scare me too," I confessed. "I thought you didn't like apologies."

"I don't. But I'll make an exception for today," said Alex. He had a stupid cocky grin that I wanted to slap off his face.

"It's nice to see you make a change," I responded simply.

"Why do I feel like you don't mean that?" Alex asked.

"I just thought we didn't function in terms of apologies." I shrugged.

"Oh, come on." Alex groaned.

"You're not being a very good sport, Forrest." I reprimanded playfully.

"What do I have to do?" Alex asked.

I smiled, scanning the bus for a dare. If we weren't stuck inside, I probably would have had better choices. But I would have to make the best of what I had. Right now, that was empty seats, a column where a driver should be, a magically shut door, Hannah and Darren conversing, and my little sister watching Mae slowly wake up.

Almost unable to contain my laughter, I pointed to Mae. "Why don't you get her up?"

"Do you want me to die?" Alex asked.

"Our powers don't work here. She's not Ayultri right now. Just a cheerleader." I gently nudged Alex towards the aisle.

"Powers or not, she's gonna kill me," said Alex.

"Sounds like you're not really sor-" Alex lightly shoved me before clearing his throat and standing. Claire, who was predictably eavesdropping, quickly abandoned her seat for the one in front of me. She still leaned back in the aisle to catch a glimpse of the show. Darren and Hannah were quiet too, their eyes peeking over their seat.

"Just a cheerleader." I could hear Alex mutter. Mae's eyelids fluttered, but she still didn't wake.

Finally, Alex reached over and shook Mae's shoulder. "Hey, um, Mae-" Mae's eyes opened instantly. Without warning, the petite girl was standing, and had Alex pinned on the aisle.

"Damn," Darren muttered.

Despite expecting Mae to react somehow, I hadn't expected her to have Alex pinned to the ground. Mae seemed to be surprised by her own actions too. "Oops," she muttered, releasing Alex. "Just for that, I'm going back to bed."

"Cool," Alex muttered from the ground.

"Night," Mae responded, making herself comfortable again.

"You okay?" I asked, helping Alex stand. "You know sometimes I forget Mae that."

"Me too," said Claire. "Whenever I look at her, I just see that harmless new girl. But you know, then there's the other not-so-harmless part. Like you."

I shifted uncomfortably at Claire's comment.

"Like all of us." Alex corrected. "Let's face it: none of us are exactly safe."

"Speak for yourself." Hannah piped up.

"Hannah gets a pass." Darren amended. "And maybe Claire."

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