1. Bonfire

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Claire Carter | Before

Tonight Brianna Carter was dressed up, which was extremely unlike her. The shorts she  was wearing were shorter than usual, and her new white top exposed her  midriff. The most striking difference of all, however, was the fact that  Brianna had chosen to wear contacts instead of her usual glasses.

Maybe finishing  junior year of high school changes you as a person. Maybe you become  more confident or prettier when you become a senior. Maybe that will  happen to me. I only have one year of high school behind me, and three  daunting years ahead, but she's almost done. It isn't fair.

"I can't believe that  you're going without me," I complained. Brianna was  investigating her own reflection in the mirror, just as shocked at her  appearance as I was.

"Sorry," said Brianna  in a tone that conveyed no sorrow whatsoever. "Upperclassmen only." She  grabbed a pair of Mom's sandals and tried them on.

"What are Mom and Dad  going to say when they get home and find out that you left?" I asked.  Brianna was well aware that I would sell her out the second they stepped  in the doorway. It was a habit that I picked up at five, when  I first feared becoming the "problem child" of the family. Brianna was  the obedient and studious one, so it was impossible to compete. Anything  I did would fall flat next to a future valedictorian, even though  our parents insisted that they loved us the same.

"Relax," said Brianna.  "I'll be back way before they get home." She grabbed her purse, keys,  and phone.

"Then why can't I come too?" I demanded.

"I'm not bringing my no sabo sister," said Brianna, already making her way to the door.

"Says you." I scoffed. Both of us fell into the category of "no sabo kids", children of Latine heritage with barely any knowledge of Spanish. Admittedly, Brianna tried a lot harder than I did, but she was still far from fluent.

It's not personal, you know that." Brianna concluded. "Nos vemos."

"You can't just-" The door shut, cutting me off. Outside, I  could hear Brianna's car speeding  away, leaving me behind with my carefully applied makeup and new  clothes and freshly straightened hair.

The bonfire was one of  Eastwood High's biggest traditions, and took place at the end of every  school year. Only seniors and juniors were allowed to attend the event,  and I had spent most of my middle school years dreaming about the day I  would be old enough to be there. As much as I longed to party the night  away with a red solo cup in my hand, I understood why Brianna didn't  want to take me. It was frowned upon to bring younger kids to the  bonfire, especially siblings.

I had only been musing  about Brianna's betrayal for a few minutes before a sharp knock on the door shook me out of it.

"What did you forget th-" The door opened to reveal Sophie Kim instead of my sister. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." Sophie had a glint in her eye that warned me she had plans.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Well," Sophie let the word drag on for effect. "I thought it was about time some freshmen crashed the bonfire."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Car's outside." Sophie stepped back so I could get a full view of her BMW, and Mae Thompson waving from the passenger's seat. Despite myself, I smiled back.

Even though Sophie only had a learner's permit, she seemed more than confident enough to drive Mae and me to the  bonfire by herself. I didn't stop to question Sophie's driving skills  before hopping in the back of her car.

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