Chapter 17-Emotions

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*Okay everyone, last chapter :). I was originally going to end it at the previous chapter, but so many of you asked for just one more to finish it off! I only stopped at the last one because I had no clue what to add next, so I can't promise this chapter will be any good 😅. I'm also almost done with this school year! My last day is on Thursday, the 2nd of June. I'll be free most of the summer and was thinking of starting a new story!
By the way, this chapter focuses on Sun x Moon!

-Sun's pov-
With Gregory asleep on me, I couldn't do very much. Although, Moon was there to keep me company...sort of. "Ugh. Can't you just shove him off." Moon asked me, making it sound not so much like a question. "Why would I do that? He needs rest after being so emotional. You've had times like this too, y'know." I teasingly said back to Moon, not speaking aloud. He stayed silent at my accusation, before grumbling, "Whatever." I silently laughed to myself. Even though I couldn't see him right now, Moon was definitely blushing. He may put up a tough, apathetic act, but in reality he just doesn't want to show weakness. I don't think he's ever shown any emotion besides annoyance or anger to anyone but me. Thinking about his way of acting always gets me confused...I wonder what he sees me as. A friend? A brother? A best friend? A boyfriend? No, probably not the last one. I don't really know how I see him either, probably best friend. He might not even know what a "Sun?" boyfriend is, I've only just "-un?" recently found out...
-Gregory's pov-
I woke up, still feeling semi-tired. To my surprise, Sun was still sitting with me, and had his arm on my back. I was lying across his lap on my stomach while he was sitting cross-legged, so I moved his hand and sat up next to him. He seemed powered off, but I wasn't too sure because I could see his face changing colors--to a more pinkish tone. 'I didn't know animatronics could do that..' I thought. I started calling out his name, it wasn't until the third try that he realized, though. "Y-Yes?" He stuttered. Sun doesn't usually stutter...I'm pretty sure he's even programmed to not because if he does it around the kids, they might start doing it too...
"Sun? Are you okay? You look warm.." As soon as I said that, Sun's eyes went wide and he smacked his face.
"O-Oh my! Do I? Haha.." Okay, this is weird--Chica and Roxy told me this is how Freddy and Bonnie used to act like about each other...and aren't they dating now..?
I gasped aloud at the realization, and Sun seemed to notice that I knew. "Shh! Don't say anything! It's really not what you think!" I scoffed lightly at his sentence. Of course I knew what it was, couples are basically surrounding me at this point.
"Are you kidding? You totally have a crush on M-" He put a hand over my mouth before I could finish saying Moon's name.
"Be quiet! He can hear you if you talk loud enough! And no, I don't. I was just...thinking about it." He whispered. 'What does that even mean..?' I thought. How can you think about having a crush on someone, blush, and then say you don't? He's not even a good liar..
"Wait, but I thought you and Moon were the same person?" I questioned. Sun sighed and said, "We're not. We just usually share the same vessel. It's different.." I furrowed my eyebrows. I think I remember overhearing Mike say something similar, he was talking about a boy that he called 'CC' and a girl named 'Cassidy' possessing an animatronic together, I guess Sun and Moon must be similar. Suddenly, Sun spoke to me again, but his voice was much quieter and sad seeming. "These types of emotions are confusing, Gregory. It'd be so much easier if we were never upgraded and weren't able to feel this way." Sun sighed. "Just look at everyone else, we've all become couples because we started feeling emotions. It just...feels wrong."
I had nothing to say to that, I barely understood romantic emotions as it was. Sun explaining everything he was feeling made no sense to me, I didn't understand how an animatronic could feel so deeply about something like whether he should date someone or not. "Erm-sorry. I probably shouldn't have talked about that to you. It's just-I feel like anyone else would fight me on it." Sun muttered to me. I get it, if he talked to an animatronic they'd probably tell him they didn't feel like it was unusual and ignore him. But, it was weird to me, to see Sun in this way. I've rarely talked to him while on good terms, and here he is telling me his true feelings. "I kind of understand what you're saying. They're all happy in their relationships so they probably wouldn't relate to how you feel. I don't completely know why you think it's weird, but I still get it." I said, putting my hands into my pockets. Sun sadly said, "I don't really know why either," in a soft whisper. I looked at him with a frown, when I felt something in my pocket. I grabbed the things out, and held them in my palm. They were illusion discs I'd kept. Sun followed my eyes to see what I was looking at, and saw the discs. "What're those?" He asked. "They're called 'illusion discs', Mike taught me about them. When you put it on yourself and press the button, you can transform into a human," I explained. I started thinking that maybe Sun could use them, just like Michael used his. "Here, take them. Maybe if things go well with Moon you both could use them.." I told him, smiling. I heard him sigh then laugh and towards me while rolling his eyes. "Thanks, although I don't think I'll be using these anytime soon. Well, let's take a break from talking about me. How about we go find Freddy? I'm sure he's worried about you." I lightly scoffed at that. "He probably barely remembers I exist. All he's done today is run off with his boyfriend." I muttered. Sun giggled and stood while picking me up in his arms. "Gregory, you know he still loves you, right? He just hasn't seen Bonnie in a very long time, it's only natural he'll want to spend time with him," Sun told me as he began walking. I grumbled but didn't say anything else.
It took awhile of searching but me and Sun eventually found Freddy and Bonnie but from what I could tell from the window looking in to Freddys room, they weren't animatronics at the moment. Sun set  me down just outside of the hall that had each animatronic's room and asked me to wait while he went in.
-Sun's pov-
"They did not." I grumbled in my head. I hoped there was no way they'd do...a not very child friendly thing. What was Freddy thinking?! He's lucky Gregory never saw them. I knocked lightly before opening the door, I wasn't too worried about seeing anything I didn't want to because the curtains were open, and I could see that they were both covered from outside Freddys room. I just really hope they had the curtains closed while they were actually doing it. With a sigh, I opened the door and peeked inside before walking in. Freddy had been looking over at the door since I knocked, but Bonnie was half asleep and looking the other direction. "Freddy, I need to talk with you."
-3rd person pov-
Sun walked towards Freddy and Bonnie, and sat on the ground. To say Freddy was a bit nervous was an understatement. He wasn't exactly sure what Sun wanted to talk about, but he had a feeling it wasn't anything good. "Freddy, I know you're still young and it shouldn't be your responsibility, but Gregory was really upset you left him awhile today," Sun explained. Freddy's eyes widened, then his eyebrows furrowed and he sat up. "I thought he was playing with everyone else?" He said, a bit sad that Gregory had a hard time today. "I'm not too sure what happened, but I think they left--or, forgot about him? They were playing hide and seek, and he was hiding in the daycare, but they hadn't come for him, even after waiting for a few hours." Freddy couldn't find the right words to respond with. His best friends ignored Gregory? Freddy knew how difficult of a life Gregory has already had, it's been his goal to make it better than Gregory could ever imagine. "Where is he now?" Freddy sadly questioned. Sun simply nodded his head in the direction Gregory was in outside and Freddy woke Bonnie up, telling him he'd by right back. "Gregory?" Freddy called once he was out of his room. Gregory's head perked up after hearing the human version of his favorite animatronic, and ran over to Freddy. The older laughed, before picking up and turning him around, putting the small boy on his back. Gregory rested his chin on the top of Freddy's head, and they began walking around the pizzaplex. "I heard you had a bad day?" Freddy said, while holding Gregory's legs to make sure he didn't fall off from the piggy-back ride. "Yeah...I guess. It just feels like no one pays attention to me anymore. It's really only been you for awhile, and now you'll be busy too..." Gregory muttered, while hiding his face in Freddys hair. "Hey, I'll never be too busy for you. It was especially. Me and Bonnie had um-
something to do." Freddy awkwardly laughed. Gregory groaned, he knew what Freddy was implying. "I seriously didn't need to know that from you." Freddy laughed more now, and it was genuine. "Freddy? Do you love Bonnie..?" Gregory hesitantly asked. Freddy smiled warmly and responded with a simple, "I do. He's the most perfect person I've ever met." Gregory made a small face of disgust at the sappy reply and continued. "Is it weird to you? I mean, to like an animatronic? Sun basically told me that he had a crush on Moon, but couldn't get past the weird feeling he got for being in love when as an animatronic, he shouldn't be." Freddy wasn't sure how to respond, multiple things were plaguing his mind. Sun had a crush on Moon? Sun had negative feelings? Sun told Gregory this information?? "I-
Well, I suppose I could see that.
I don't think anything weird about dating Bonnie because we knew each other as humans, but that probably isn't the case for Sun and Moon. I think they're both possessed, but maybe Sun feels guilty about liking him because he's only ever known him as an animatronic, and feels as if he was forced into those feelings after being able to register human emotions." Freddy narrated. Gregory thought that made a lot more sense now, but felt kind of bad for Sun. "Oh...maybe we should go back and see how Sun is doing. He helped me a lot today, I want to make sure he's okay," Gregory said, to which Freddy agreed and began heading back towards his room.
Sun and Moon were apart for now, Moon was standing in a shadow being cast by a pillar, and Sun was standing in front of him, light shining onto his body. Sun was quite fidgety, it was difficult for him to find the right words to speak right now. He talked to Bonnie about his problems, to which the energetic purple bunny told him to go for it and tell Moon his feelings, then see if he still feels uneasy about dating. So here he is, with the perfect chance to tell Moon how he feels, yet he's already screwing it up. "So...are you gonna talk?" Moon asked, sounding disinterested as always. "N-No! I mean yes! Well-" Sun groaned, he couldn't do this. It's too difficult trying to explain his feelings. He never did something like this as a human, and he certainly never felt this way for anyone but Moon. He hated being under pressure, like he was now. Although, Moon already knew what Sun's intentions were for this conversation, so he decided to take over. Moon probably had romantic feelings for the other longer than Sun had, but he was always bad at using his words and saying what he wanted. "Actually, Sunrise, I've also been wanting to say something to you." Moon started, causing Sun to bring his head up in curiosity. Moon began walking closer to Sun until he was out of the shadows, and started glowing a bit from the light he wasn't used to. He pulled Sun by where his hips would be, and brought them dangerously close together. They both suddenly saw the other as if they were human. Sun saw a dark-skinned man with deep-blue eyes, while Moon saw a pale-skinned man that had bright-yellow eyes, glimmering in the sunlight. Sun's human version had a deep blush, while it seemed as though Moon showed the love he was feeling with his eyes, they looked incredibly full of affection. They were both so close now, but could do nothing except look at each other. It was then that Sun realized what Gregory had given him earlier...
He looked down and dug the discs out of his baggy-pants pocket. Then attached one to himself and one to Moon. Pressing the button, he watched as a bright light shown and they both looked like the visions they just had. Now being able to properly share a kiss, they wasted no time in pressing their faces together. It was such a sweet, loving kiss. Full of tranquility and emotion. They pulled their faces away from each other and Sun pulled Moon into a tight hug, with his eyes watering a bit. "I love you," Sun whispered, his voice soft and moments away from breaking. Moon stroked his hair and rested his chin on Sun's head. "I love you too."
Gregory and Freddy had arrived back in time to see two humans hugging and whispering to each other fondly, they both knew it was Sun and Moon based on how they looked. Freddy and Gregory smiled at the sight, and decided to give them privacy. They walked into Freddys room and saw Bonnie half lying on the couch-half off, trying to look out the window without getting up, it seemed. Freddy smiled and said, "Bon? What are you trying to do?" Bonnie looked over at the two for a moment before looking out again. "I'm trying to see what's happening with them but I don't want to get up." He simply responded. His response made both Freddy and Gregory giggle, to which Bonnie sat normal on the couch while scoffing and jokingly glaring at the father-son duo in front of him. Gregory was sure that he'd now be the happiest he'd ever been, he finally had a family.

The end :)
Tell me in the comments if anyone would like me to write a new story!

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