Chapter 6-More company?

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*Chica and Roxanne art by @zamydazzle! I love these two so much 🥰

-3rd person pov-
Roxanne looked at Gregory with great suspicion, she knew when he was planning something. Roxy was about to ask Gregory what was up when suddenly, his stomach growled. "Hungry, kid?" Roxanne chuckled. Gregory's cheeks went pink with embarrassment.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen and make a pizza," Gregory muttered, but pizza was the only word needed to obtain Chica's attention. "Pizza? I'll come with you Greg!!" She exclaimed, skipping away from Bonnie and towards the boy. Gregory shuttered.

He couldn't stand being called 'Greg' sounded like a middle aged man's name in his opinion. Also, his plans were now ruined. He wanted to meet Michael and talk with him down there. Chica grabbed ahold of Gregory's hand and pulled him toward the basement kitchen.

Once there, Chica wasted no time to start talking—might I add, way too loud for Gregory. "Alright rockstar! Im starving after all that socializing and walking around, I've been craving a pizza for the last hour. Now, why don't we get cooking!" Chica smiled. Gregory awkwardly chuckled.

It wasn't that he didn't like Chica, he was just pre-occupied at the moment. "Actually, Chica, I don't feel too well. Would you mind if I sat down while you made the pizzas?" Gregory asked, trying his best to fake an injury.

Chica's older sister mode immediately kicked on. "Aw, of course sweetie! Maybe I should get Freddy to check you out. Or Roxy, she's really good at taking care of people! Not Monty so much though, he's kind of aggressive. I guess Roxy is too, but she's mean in a nice way, y'know? And she lets me braid her hair if I'm overheating, Monty just tells me to calm down and get over it." Chica pouted.

She was talking so fast—Gregory barely knew what she'd said. She always talked a lot, but wow..."Um okay, sure, after you're done." Gregory responded, he was actually starting to feel a little nauseous now.

His brain couldn't register her words fast enough—and now he felt lightheaded. Chica walked away, going to make the pizzas. Gregory dashed out as quickly and quietly as he could. He knew Chica wouldn't notice he was gone until she was finished making the pizzas, she's way too focused while cooking.

Gregory wasn't completely sure where the Michael guy was staying. He said something about a 'secret room'? At least, that's what Gregory could remember. He walked around for awhile, using his flashlight since most rooms weren't lit up. "Ah crap." Gregory muttered, when his flashlight finally died.

He looked at his surroundings and groaned internally, this was the section with no flashlight recharges. Of course. He took out his fazcam and decided that would have to do for the time being.


After mindlessly walking around for a little longer, he flashed his camera again. But to Gregory's surprise. A door in the wall opened. He ran toward it, and looked inside.

He peeked in, Gregory immediately noticed the tall wired endo he'd seen much earlier in the day, sitting next to a comfortable chair on the ground, looking at an old-timey TV while holding a basket of what looked like...butter? 'Weird', Gregory thought.

A figure was sitting in the chair beside the endo, holding what looked to be a popcorn bucket. The endo turned, and Gregory now noticed it wearing a clown mask.

The endo reached its long arm over to the figure's popcorn, and was about to take a piece before getting a glare from the person, Gregory squinted trying to see who it was, but still couldn't make out their face.

The endo's arm backed away slowly and the man sighed, then picked up a small handful of popcorn to hand to the endoskeleton. The endo smiled—perhaps the creepiest smile Gregory had ever seen—but it looked sincere enough for the man to return a slight grin.

The endo's mechanical eye socket suddenly raised, like if a human were to widen their eyes. The endo slowly turned his head towards Gregory, like something you'd see in a horror movie before the film hits it's climax point.

The endo stared at him with a terrifying face while Gregory looked at him in horror. The lights in the room were off, casting shadows from the outside lights onto the endo's face making them much scarier.

The man looked over towards the endo, then to Gregory, curious as to what his companion was staring at.

The man's eyebrows visibly went up and he turned off the television, and stood up to turn on the lamp sitting atop the table next to the tv. Gregory could now see that the man, was Michael.

The endo grit his pointy teeth before launching at Gregory, letting out an animatronic shriek/scream as he did so. As if Michael was predicting this reaction, he was already grasping a wire coming from the endo, and yanked on it, pulling the endo back and releasing Gregory from momentary terror.

Michael looked at the endo lying on his back on the ground, giving him the same look Freddy would give Gregory whenever he did something bad, the disappointment look. But Michael's was more—welcoming? There wasn't a great way to put it, but it didn't make you feel like the other was mad at you, it was just enough to let you know you did something wrong.

"Ennard, he's a friend. You don't need to, uhm..scream? At him." Michael seemed a bit unsure at the end of his sentence, as if he weren't quite sure what to call 'Ennard's' jumpscare.

Ennard chuckled in a deep voice, Gregory hadn't heard a voice box sounding like that, it was very...human. It took characteristics of multiple types of voice boxes to create a very realistic one.

"As if you could make any friends." Ennard continued laughing, a bit more this time. Michael glared, while raising one eyebrow. "You're one to talk, I'm the only friend you have." Michael sneered back.

Gregory thought Ennard was like Michael's pet at first, but now he sees that they definitely have a very...interesting relationship, that was for sure.

*Please keep in mind the fnaf lore in order has Sister Location before most of the games so Ennard and Michael have already spent years and years together. This is also the fake ending of sl!

Coming home ~ Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock BonnieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora