He gives a smile but still put it there without moving it. I just shrug it off and continue to pay attention when the hand suddenly going to my inner thigh. I quickly catch his hand.

"What are you trying to do hyungie?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side. He suddenly attack my cheeks.

"You're so cute baby!!! Oh gosh my heart!!" He squeel quietly.

"Mr. Lee, please pay attentiion to class please." Mr. Jeon said.

"Sorry Jimin hyung! But what can I do?! My baby is so cute!!"he suddenly said to the whole class.

"Yes Mr.Lee. Mr. Han is very cute but can you please pay attention to class for now." He said again.

"Sorry Jimin hyung! But can't right now. Oh, You have a visitor." Minho hyungie said as he pulls me into a hug as I blush.

"JUNGKOOK?!" Mr. Jeon yell in surprise.

I look at the front and I can see a guy with jet black hair and ar full of tattoos standing besides Mr. Jeon and giving him a smirk.

"Miss me baby?" The guy said.

"How...?" Mr. Jeon said as he slowly move backwards from the guy.

"How I found you? Easy baby. You still use your surname. Of course I can search for you easily." He said as he takes a step closer to Mr. Jeon.

"W...What are you doing here...? No... This is not right... *sigh. Can you please leave now as I still have class to teach." He said sternly to the guy with a blank face.

"And risk of you running away again? No baby. You can continue your class. I'll just sit here and wait for you to finish your work." He said as he pull a chair to the front door of the class as he have an intense eye contact with Mr. Jeon.

I can see Mr. Jeon just sigh and continue with his class.

"What just happened hyungie?" I ask him curiously as I look back between Mr. Jeon and that guy.

"Huh? Oh, Mr.Jeon or Jimin hyung's surname is of his husband's which is that guy that's looking at Jimin hyung like a predator. Jimin hyung's previous surname is Park but after he got married to Jungkook hyung they change it to Jeon. " he explained.

"Then, why does Mr.Jeon doesn't look happy seeing is husband?" I ask again.

"Well, they had a misunderstanding. Jimin hyung thought that Jungkook hyung cheated on him, so moved here. To get away from Jungkook hyung, but Jungkook hyung always know where Jimin hyung went so that's why he didn't come running searching for him. But lately, there's this new teacher that keeps on trying to hit on Jimin hyung and making skinship with him. Jungkook hyung doesn't like it when others being touchy with Jimin hyung. That's why he's here." Hyungie explain again.

"Did you mean with Taehyung hyung? Taehyung hyung said that he's a childhood friend of Mr. Jeon." I said to him as I remembered the conversation that I had with Taehyung hyung.

"When did you talk with him?" Hyungie asks.

"Hmmm... a day before we change seats. I ask Taehyung hyung if he had any special feeling with Mr.Jeon. He said no as he already have his husband and that Mr. Jeon is his best friend and soulmate in best friend sense jus like me and Lixxie!" I said excitedly.

He looks with understanding look before he take out his phone and send something from his phone. A ding can be heard from the front of the class.

"Please silent your phone in class Mr. Jeon." Mr. Jeon said to the guy. The guy raise his hand up in defense pose and proceed to silent his phone.

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