Getting and giving help

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You walk back to the street, your arm linked with Jimin’s, following Yoongi and the other one, you still don’t know his name. All three are silent as they walk you back to the carriage.

“How are we getting everything back?” Jimin offers the question. 

“Well, I’m still too drunk to get the carriage back in one piece.” Yoongi slurs his words a little, proving his statement. 

“I could drive it back.” You offer and all three turn towards you.

“No way. I don’t want to chase after you again.” The sour puss tells you and you smile to yourself despite him being rude to you. That will be his name, you don’t even need to have his real name.

“What do you propose then, oh almighty one?” You quip, looking him straight into his eyes. You hear Yoongi snicker and see Jimin bite his lip to hide his smile. Sour Puss glares at you hard, looking down on you and you have to admit; He is very handsome, Soft doe eyes that look like death right now, cute straight nose and very sexy, rosy lips. 

“Jimin can drive Yoongi-hyung home and you ride with me.” He states with authority. 

“I like that. I’m tired and want to sleep this buzz off.” Yoongi slurs and then stumbles to the carriage. Jimin shrugs his shoulders and follows him, climbing up to lead the horses. Yoongi closes the door and looks through the window, laughing at you, then he flips you off and the carriage rolls away from the two of you and the horses.

“So how does this work? That's not a side saddle?” And you point at the horse.

“Of course it isn't. Do I look like a female?"


"All right so that’s why you’ll be in front of me.” He growls and stalks to his horse, a magnificent black one. He takes the reins of the second horse and ties it to the saddle, next he mounts his horse and holds his hand out to you.

Looks like you have no choice, walking is not an option, 1818 is less safe than you first thought. Besides, you still have no clue where you are and how you should find their house.

Putting your hand in his he pulls you up and you are at a loss for words at how strong he is. You weigh 152 but there was the added weight of the dress. Putting both arms around you as you get settled he clicks his heels and the horse takes a very slow gait with the weight of you both.

Looking around you still feel so amazed being where you are. Your head is ever revolving enough so he finally speaks. "Would you mind sitting still?"

"Oh, yes sorry."

He says nothing else for a moment, his breath slightly blowing your hair. "So did you run away from home? Are you here to meet your fiance, or a lover?" He questions.

And the idea of it makes you laugh. "I assure you that I have no lover or fiance."

He sits straighter. "Then why did your parents leave you unattended? Do they not care for your safety?"

Well because they aren't born yet doesn't seem the right answer you go with what is believable. "My parents were killed suddenly and I was left all alone with the clothes on my back. I made my way here and then as you saw I was attacked."

You feel him relax behind you. "I am very sorry for your loss. What do you plan to do?"

Slumping against him, the events of today have tired you out. "I don't know. But I will have to find work."

You fall asleep against him so he slows down even more, not in a hurry and just watches your face, the darkness of your long lashes, the fullness of your lips. He also can't help himself from admiring the swell of her bosom as he had been the one to tie your dress back together with string. 

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