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In all of your time as an indentured servant... Of all the orders you've ever received, you have never had a worse one than "Don't move." Paired with the knowledge that Mando and the kid are definitely in immediate danger that you're powerless to help with? It's a kriffing nightmare to do what you're told, but you do anyway, even though no one is holding you to it.

So, you're stuck pacing the room. Back and forth, back and forth. Ideally, you'd love to burst through the doors just for the sake of leaving. Just for the sake of doing something. And you keep stopping in your tracks for little moments at a time just to look at the door and consider it.

"You better have an amazing plan, Mando," you shout into the air, knowing full well no one can hear you. Knowing full well that Mando doesn't seem to be in a planning state of mind at the moment.

Dank farrik, he probably doesn't have a plan. In fact, the more you think about it, the more sure you are that he doesn't have a plan at all. Not that you can blame him, of course. There are a lot of pieces being moved around on the dejarik board right now. There's not a question in your mind that you're low on the priorities list.

So, as far as getting out of the city goes, it's all entirely in your own hands. You take the first tentative steps toward the doorway, trying to formulate a plan of your own. If you could get friendly with the sentinels... but then the prime opportunity for that was probably before the city went on high alert.

Well, regardless, you have to get out of the cantina before you go crazy. The actual plan can come along later. Is this how Mando operates? The idea that you're beginning to act like him might become a pressing concern if you survive the next few hours.

But far more pressing than that are two warriors, clad in the same style of armor as Mando that rise from seemingly nowhere next to the door. Other Mandalorians, you realize as you stumble two steps backward.

"This is where you stop," one of them says. This Mandalorian is... humongous. He's got to be twice Mando's size, and he's armored in heavy equipment. But he doesn't seem to have any beskar, which would make you wonder about just how high Mando ranks among his people if you weren't ready to jump out of your skin.

"This is where I stop," you agree.

"That's not her, is it?" the other Mandalorian asks. She's smaller, but she has an intimidating presence that you can tell is not at all contrived.

The humongous one looks you up and down. "She fits the bill," he answers in a half-sigh.

The smaller one grunts. "He's just wasting time, now," she grumbles.

Finally able to find it in you to speak, you squeak, "Mando?" For the first time since their arrival, the Mandalorians seem to acknowledge that you're an actual sentient being as their gazes both snap onto you. Clearing your throat, you continue, "Did Mando send you?"

Silence from both. It's impossible not to feel like a bug under a microscope as they consider you. It sends an uncomfortable itch down your spine.

"I—I was told to stay here," you stutter, desperate to fill the silence. "By the Mandalorian. Did—Did he send you to get me?" It sounds pathetic and also too good to hope for.

"It's unlike a true Mandalorian to trust outsiders," the humongous one tells you. You can almost catch the traces of amusement in his voice. "For all you know, you were told to stay so that we could come in and slaughter you quietly."

Ah. With your luck, that seems more likely. "Well," you begin, feeling stupid and brave. "Could be quieter. You seem to talk a lot."

"Oh, she's the one he was talking about alright," the small one remarks.

indebted. [din djarin x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang