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When you slip outside to flick on the com, the first thing you hear is Mando breathing out your name like... like you don't know. You'd like to think that it's relief that you hear in his voice. And you can't deny the obvious desperation. But it's impossible to pin down the exact tone you're hearing from him. All you know for sure is that you've never heard anybody say your name like that before, and it sends a shock to your system.

"Mando," you answer him, in the lowest whisper you can manage. Maker forbid someone happens to hear you talking to a fugitive out here. "What the kriff is going on?"

"No time to explain," he answers simply. "I need your help."

"Like kriff you do!" you snap back, keeping your voice hushed. "You just broke Guild code, and you want my help? Mind telling me how I'm supposed to explain that to Karga?"

"You said," he answers, voice as low as yours, "that you would try to help the kid however you could. If you still want to, this is how."

Bull, you want to say. That is bull. Because you didn't know then that he was planning on breaking the Guild code. You didn't know helping the kid would entail smuggling it off-planet and defying your employer. What you want to tell him is that you're not in any way obligated to keep the promises you made to him. You don't owe him anything. You signed up to give him insight into Karga's schemes, not promises. But the words never leave your mouth. "Where are you?" you ask instead. It's the kind of snap that you're used to using around Karga. Your own boldness shocks you.

"Will you help?" he counters.

Maker, you shouldn't. You know you shouldn't. What you should do is just snap at him some more. Call him an idiot and close the connection. But you don't. You just let the silence linger, imagining the worst that could happen if... If you were to help him.

He says your name again the same way from before, and you have to exhale sharply through your nose—breathe it out—to keep it from getting to your head. "Will you help?" he repeats. It's not a counterargument anymore. It's a genuine plea.

How are you supposed to answer that? Your mouth falls open, and you're frozen in a split-second of consideration. A split second is all you have. And maybe it's because you have a soft spot for kids. Or because you did promise, and you want to honor it. Maker, maybe it's just that Mando's the first person who's ever sincerely apologized to you. Maybe it's the way he said your name. Or quite possibly all the liquid courage you've had. Whatever it is, you answer, "Fine. Yes. I'll help. But where are you?"

Instead of providing you with a location, he says, "Meet me at Karga's place."

"Karga's place?" you repeat incredulously.

"It's the last place he'll look," he answers as if that's supposed to justify the stupidest plan you've ever heard.

"Maker," you breathe, questioning your decision to back him up. "You're insane."

"I know," he answers. "I'll see you there."

The comm clicks off before you can argue, and you trudge back to the house. Hoping Karga won't notice that you're gone. Cursing yourself all the while.

Mando isn't there when you get to the house, so you go to your room and wait. Minutes seem like hours, and vicious uncertainty is still eating you up. Yes, you want to help. You're big enough to admit that. But you find you don't know how to do something just because you want to anymore. It has you teetering, swaying, clinging to the mast of a ship in a storm. The worst part is that you think you might be enjoying it.

Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that you have no idea how you're supposed to help at all. The last time you were helpful, it was because you wanted to screw someone else over. Even then, it didn't turn out quite the way you wanted. After all, in a big universe, you're just a small person with limited resources trying to buck the powers that be. The fact that Mando sought out your help specifically only reinforces your theory that there isn't a brain under the helmet.

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