Chapter 18 - Learn From Me

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"The girl's dead body was found. I never thought she'd stoop so low. She was drowned. Considering it was yet another case running in the school, people grew suspicious in there."

"Last time, there was only a stain of blood. It was just a mistake on her part. Otherwise, she cleaned up pretty well for herself. This time, she was bold. She left her victim for everyone to see."

"Her body was pulled from the school's pool. Her skin was covered with wrinkles from the water, her eyes were flat, her lips were purple and her bones were visible. Some janitor was cleaning the pool routinely and saw the girl."

The journalist scratched his chin. "I....was...beyond shocked. I saw her pictures. It made me sick. Very sick." He kept his mic aside and fumbled with a set of papers on the table. The tape paused to static. It was over.

"Ayano!" I heard my mother. In panic, I hid the tapes and turned off the tv. I stepped out and saw her whisking batter in the kitchen. "Ayano, can you help me?" I nodded. "Please chop the cucumbers for me." She said.

She seemed in a good mood today. "Mom," "Hmm?" "How was school like for you?" She stopped whisking. Did I slip? She dryly chuckled. "Why do you ask?" "I was things were before."

She stood beside me. "Well, the 80s were pretty fun. I had a great school life. I made many friends, and I kept up with my academics. Remember to keep your marks aligned, honey. It's where I met your father."

She blushed and giggled, like a school girl. "I hope you have a life like mine. Make friends, study, and maybe, find the love of your life." I smiled. I got so distracted I didn't notice the knife being close to my fingers.

"Ow!" I let out. I cut my index finger. "Oh, Ayano!" She said and grabbed my wrist. She let out an annoyed sigh. She applied band-aid and cleaned the cutting board splashed with my blood.

"Is the blood gone?" She asked. "Yes, why?" I said. She left the board and came back with two things. "See this." She clicked a torch of blue colour and scanned it on the board. There were white stains visible where blood was.

"It's not clean." She opened a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and wiped the board with it. "Now, see this." She scanned the torch again. It was clean this time. "Whenever you need to get rid of blood, or any stain, you should use this so that no one sees it."

I nodded in awe. "Not even cops." She smiled. "Ah! I'm so glad to teach you important things like this. It helped me, and now it'll help you."

What are you, mother? I wonder.

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