Costume Change?

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After hanging out with my new group of friends I walked back to the league and opened the door to the entrance

As I opened the door fully the whole room was dark. It confused me to say the least, usually everyone is here interacting with each other

As I tried to find the light switch to the room, a light from the corner of the room interrupted my action. I looked in the direction of the light and saw my brother sitting on a solo couch in the corner of the room with his hands together laying on his lap and Kurogiri standing next to him with both hands resting on his hips and a glare that I knew to well of

"Where were you?" Asked Tomura in his usual raspy voice. I couldn't tell how he felt because of the hand that hid his face

"I decided I'd go spray paint a bit after school, I figured you guys wouldn't mind me being a little late after curfew" I bluntly lied. I didn't want to lie to them but I really have no choice. It's either them or my new friends.

"We know you're lying Ray. Where are your spray cans?" Kurogiri asked crossing his arms over his chest expectedly

"In my bag?" I internally cringed as the sentence sounded more like a question as I took my bag and opened it to reveal my spray cans and books inside

'Good thing I packed them in case I actually wanted to go spray paint' I thought to myself relieved as Kurogiri and Tomura look at each other and Tomura looks back to me nodding

"Alright but next time let us know" Tomura says as he stands up and makes his way to his bedroom giving us a 'goodnight'

As Kurogiri went back to his place behind the bar, I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me, leaning my back on the door and letting out a relieved sigh

'What was I thinking? It's only the first day of this mission and I'm already getting too attached. I have to keep my distance and stay focused on the mission' I thought to myself as I placed my book bag on the floor next to my desk and flopped down on my bed

'Can I really go on with this mission if it involves hurting my friends? Hurting Midoriya? Hurting me? But I can't let Tomura down. He's my brother. He's done everything for me. I owe him my life. But...'

I remember that dream I had, with that women and what she said, "Choose your own path, thrive for your goals, not somebody else's"

'Her words can't seem to leave my mind'


Another day that passed meant another school day full of classes and wannabe heroes to tolerate. But I really didn't have a choice, did I?

Going into first period was a piece of cake. We had English lessons with none other than the pro hero, Present Mic. I was already familiar with the English language which meant this class was going to be easy

"Who can find the mistake in the following English question?" No one raised their hand. Even though I knew the answer I wanted to see who had the brains to actually answer it correctly

"All right, everybody. Hands up. Show me some spirit" Again, nobody raised their hand

Though classes were slow it was finally lunch time. The only problem was I didn't know where to sit

After grabbing my tray of food I walked towards the exit to eat outside but the calling of my name stopped me in my tracks

"Hey Ray, come sit with us man!" yelled Kirishima across the room, making a couple heads turn to me. 'Dammit I can't make up an excuse!' I thought as I started walking in their direction

  .*Lemon Boy*. (BakugoxOC)Where stories live. Discover now