One Day At A Time

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" A Quirk Assessment Test?!"

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" Uraraka said shocked. 'I don't blame her, don't schools start off with orientations or something the first day of school' I thought to myself as our sensei kept talking

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes. U.A. is known for its "freestyle" educational system. That applies to us teachers as well." Aizawa sensei stated as he started listing multiple activities

"You did all these in middle school, yes? your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests." Aizawa said as most students nodded I silently objected since I never really went to a normal school and was left with a purple mist that was actually a man to homeschool me

"Bakugo, How far could you throw in middle school?" Aizawa asked the blonde male and got a "sixty-seven meters" in return

"Great, now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to. Just don't leave the circle." Aizawa said as Bakugo started walking towards the circle stretching his arms as he walks

"DIE!!" In the blink of an eye, Bakugo threw the ball adding distance with his quirk as smoke left the palms of his hand. I stared at him with interest and shock, 'He has a powerful quirk that would be a bit troublesome at times but his attitude is just straight up garbage, how would someone like him become a hero?' I asked myself, analyzing the male as he walked back to the group of students proud of his very small accomplishment

Aizawa sensei turned to us with a device in hand that showed the number '705.2m', "Its important for us to know our limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be"

"Whoa!! This is awesome"

"705 meters? Seriously?"

"So we can use our quirks for real!! Man, the hero course is great"

'Everyone's getting excited about using their quirks but to be honest i'm kinda scared, what if they think my quirks are weird? What if they despise me for having two different quirks? Wait what? Why am I thinking about others opinions? I'm not here to make friends, although that would be nice, but i'm here for a whole different reason, I shouldn't be thinking of making friends, I need to focus on the mission, but it wouldn't hurt to make at least one friend right?-' I was cut out of my thoughts by the red head from earlier putting a hand on my shoulder

"Hey dude you alright? the class moved over there" he said pointing to the class walking to a different area of the field

"Uh yeah i'm fine lets go" I said as I started walking to the class with the red head by my side making up conversation

'Maybe it wont hurt making a friend or too'


Event 1: 50-Meter Dash

The class went against each other in the dash 1v1, first was Ida against a girl with a frog quirk, up next was a girl with pink hair and skin and a guy that shot lasers out of his stomach, after that was Midoriya and Bakugo against each other with Midoriya making it to the end after Bakugo who used his quirk like a propeller getting '4.13 second'

Finally it was my turn against flouting uniform? I turned my head in front of me confused but none the less not surprised as this whole class was filled with unique quirks and people

Once I heard the machine go off I used my webs and shot at the end of the course and jumped up pulling myself with an unexpected amount of strength and made it to the end letting go of my web and slightly stumbling on my foot hearing the machine say '3.38 seconds'

  .*Lemon Boy*. (BakugoxOC)Where stories live. Discover now