I'm probably hallucinating she's an idol, she is straight, but why would I hallucinate her scratching her body against mine?

Oh heart, be steady!

That's nothing, she's just helping. That's it.

"it's done!" I escape from her arms standing in distance, "You did great" she grinned.

Yeah, she did great to provoke me as well.

She's doing her work so competently, and I just skim at her sitting on my spot. She's so focused, would she focus like this if she fell in love? I wonder because I'm falling. There is nothing to deny because the more I would deny the more it gets harder to accept the truth that she would leave soon, that my house would be echoing sole by my voice.

She's mixing the honey, as a little drop of sweat trails down to her jaw. I didn't realize how perfect her face is, I stood up wiping her sweat from my shirt's cuffs which made her look at me.

Oh lord, I'm into her.

"J-just the sweat, I-I mea-mean it might drop in the bowl, yeah bowl" I bite my inner cheek cause of my rambling. "T-Thanks" she nodded darting her eyes back to the bowl.

It looks yummy, dipping my finger in the bowl I taste it when she hit me on arm, "HEY! Don't do that! Wash your hands first" she groused like a mom. "yes, mom~..." I sang washing my hands before dipping my index finger in the bowl again when she wasn't looking.

Though, when I turned she was right there staring into my soul. "Oh- uh-...hmm, I..." I realized my finger is still in the air so I hide behind my back. "..I-I was juu-just- just checking the-the sweetness, yeah! Sweetness" I pressed a fake smile since she looks so furious.

To my surprise she burst out laughing, "You're so evil-cute" she took the bowl from my back. "Evil-cute? I'm not cute!" I rolled my eyes following her behind.

"Yeah, right. You're wicked" she soughs. "What are you doing?" I asked her peeking from her shoulder at her hands. "I'm gonna put a layer of the cream or raspberries and finish with a layer of the cream in dessert glass" she explained walking to selves of glasses but when she opened it.

I burst out laughing cause she can't reach them even on tip-toe, "Oh, you're adorable" I laughed walking to her when turning to me grimacing.

"Nice way to call me shorty, dumbass" she crossed her arms. "Well, you need my ass there to help you" I sneered walking closer to her as I pulled 3 dessert glasses and when I look at her she was skimming up at me leaning on the counter, well, that's revenge.

She fucking turned me on a while ago so I'm gonna intimidate this moment as much as possible because there is nothing I'll do better than revenge for teasing the hell out of me. I don't know if it was purposely yet I want to think it was purposely cause I don't want to be the only one struggling.

"Hold it," I told her shoving the glass to her face and she hold them in her arms like a baby.

I get closer, closer, closer until her arms press under my chest, holy hell. I fall hard and so sinful as if my heart is long gone, all she cause is trouble since she stepped in my house yet I find it exhilarating to play with the trouble I mean what could be the worst? She would hate me? She already does, and doesn't all the story start from hate?

I glance down at her face sweating, aww she's probably struggling.

Licking my lips I get closer until her face touched my chest, okay I shouldn't do this because it's so immoral. I'm feeling so terrific and I wouldn't be able to feel it again. She hauls her head back looking up at me.

The Intimacy Of these Moments | ChaennieWhere stories live. Discover now