Chapter Two

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Private Investigator Camden McKay slowed his Jeep to turn onto Boulevard Road in Olympia, Washington, where his home resided.

His rental home, anyway. He made his money solving cases for his clients, which required being able to move at any time if he had a case that brought him elsewhere, often he lived in hotels and ate his meals on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere at a restaurant with questionable looking food.

The life of adventure. A smile teased at the corner of his mouth.

There were probably better ways to go about being a PI, but this was his way. He earned more than the average PI in North America, anyways.

Although he hadn't had a case in awhile, which meant he wasn't earning anything, or experiencing the excitement of following new leads.

Speaking of leads, he had already gotten started on Miss Dawson's case, it had been too intriguing. Apparently her parents had been some of the richest people on the west coast. Unfortunate it didn't turn out, he would have liked to solve it.

The woman certainly knew what she was doing. He admitted to himself.

And yet he couldn't stop wondering why... if she had a secret identity, why hire a PI? Surely she expected what happened, and if she didn't, was she inexperienced? She seemed to know what she was talking about though.

Then again, he may have driven her off with his bluntness.

If I got a quarter every time that happened, I'd have...

He decided not to finish that thought.

"So many questions, too little answers," He muttered, pulling his car into the driveway and putting it in park.

He slid out of the car and made his way towards the house, which was painted a pleasant shade of blue. Most people might find that appealing, but Camden preferred something more.. accentric. Unfortunately for him his budget was too low for something better than this. And he needed a new case if he was going to stay. A bummer that Dawson's case hadn't worked out, he had been so curious as well.

But he couldn't pay himself, as curious as he was, and if he took another case he wouldn't have time for Dawson's.

And yet, her case had intrigued him like no other. He had a gut feeling about it.

Gut feelings don't pay bills. He reminded himself sternly.

No, there would be other cases.


All it took was a little uncertainty, and he felt himself leaning towards the other side. Perhaps a little more investigation wouldn't hurt.

He smirked. He did his best work when he was curious.

A week later

"Miss Dixon?"

The name, still unfamiliar to my ears, did not raise my attention.

"Miss Dixon?" It grew closer, until a touch on my shoulder jerked me up from my book.

"Miss Dixon, are you alright?"

I laughed nervously, "My apologies, Mary Higgins Clark really does keep one's attention, perhaps too much."

She smiled, though uncertainly. "Follow me, please."

I did as I was told.

Another doctor's appointment, for my eyes, of course.

My new name was Everleigh Dixon, and I now live in Oregon. It was more humid than I was used to, but better than the time I had spent in New York a year ago. Too crowded for me. Plus, I have my own car this time. No more hopping from taxi to taxi.

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