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1 year later.....

" Fred I'm going to kill you!" I screamed out. This has got to be the worst pain I've ever felt.
" deep breaths love, it will be over soon enough then we'll finally be able to hold our little girl." Fred said trying to comfort me. I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks.

" ARE WE LATE?!" I Hurd Sam yell when our delivery room door bursted open. " no your not late you guys made it just in time." Fred told Sam and jazz. " it'll be okay girly deep breaths" Sam said. I screamed out in pain as contractions continued at a steady pace.
" Freddie?" I whispered.

" what is it love ?I'm right here" He said rubbing my head. " I'm never having sex again!" I yelled. " I doubt that" jazz mumbled.
I gave her a Stern look. " what?! I told Draco the same thing and look I'm already 22 weeks with the third baby." Jazz said.

After 30 more minutes the doctors came in and checked me. " okay Mrs Weasley it's time to push" the nurse said. I gripped onto Fred's hand and squeezed tight. I pushed for 10 minutes then realized I was to tired. " fred.... I can't do this.." I whined out extremely tired.
" I know your tired love but your almost done okay?" He said. I nodded.

" I love you Freddie" I whispered. " I love you too baby." He said then kissed my forehead.
" okay push and hold for me okay?" The doctor said. I nodded. I pushed for 15 more minutes then let out one final scream...... then instant relief. I Hurd my baby cry and I started to cry.

They laied her on top of me then cleaned her off. " hey baby girl welcome to the world!...." Fred said to our daughter.

Ivory Grace Weasley
Born July 23rd

Me and Fred are so In love with her already. It's weird thinking back on everything we've went through and realize how everything changed. We've all grown so much and now looked we're married....... And starting family's of our own. I'll always look back and remember everything

As It was.

A/n: I AM SO INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL FOR EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE CAME ALONG WITH ME ON THIS JOURNEY!! I'll be sure to update everyone soon enough I have big plans and maybe even a SEQUAL who knows xoxo

-Maddie <3

As it was |FRED WEASLEY|Where stories live. Discover now