Daddy Issues

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" why would Sirius Black come here?" Ron asked. " I have no idea, I Hurd he's mental!" Hermione said. " can we change the subject please." Harry said not looking at any of us. We all looked at eachother.

" what? Just for once let's have a normal ... something...please I would like to have one year at Hogwarts where I'm not almost dying thanks." Harry said. " okay then" I mumbled.

Dumbledore yelled which caused everyone to turn there head to the doors of the great hall.

All the Beauxbatons students walked in and so did the dumstang..... I immediately jumped up
" JAZZ" I yelled while running. She turned around and smiled. We hugged eachother tightly then let go. " Oh my God I've missed you so much Ella you don't even know." She said.

I brought her over to the Gryffindor table where everyone was sitting even our Slytherin friends. " everyone this is Jazz, jazz this is Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Sam, Theo, Draco,Blaise, and Pansy" I pointed everyone out.

" well hello everyone" she said. She sat across from me and Fred. His hand on my thigh squeezing it a bit. I know me and Fred haven't officially started dating but I think it's coming soon.

When everyone got caught in there own conversations he leaned down to whisper in my ear. " sunshine eat" he deadpanned. " I'm not hungry" I mumbled. " I'm not gonna say it again love...... eat or I'll make you". " fine" I said and rolled my eyes and grabbed some grapes that were infront of me.

After we were all done in the great hall Sam and me took jazz back to our dorm where she will also be staying. Once she got situated and everyone was sleeping I quietly went to the bathroom. I used the silencing charm to make sure nobody Hurd what I was doing.

This has got to be the hardest thing I've ever done to myself but hey..... it works. I kneeled down to the toilet and made myself throw up until there was nothing else left in my body.

Now you may be asking..... Ella why are you doing this to yourself? Well........ lately Angelina and her friends have been making comments about me being overweight for awhile. At first I tried to brush it off but I couldn't any longer...... then I got to thinking maybe there right. And truly nobody wants to date the fat girl. It's only a matter of time before Fred sees it to.....

So I've been exercising daily when Fred and nobody else is with me and am now watching what I eat.........

After I was done I brushed my teeth. Then got a text on my phone. I honestly prayed to god it wasn't Fred..... no it was Harry thank god.

HARRY⚡️: hey come down to the Gryffindor common room ASAP like right now.

I wonder what he could want?

ME: okay I'll be there in a min

As I snuck out of the slytherin dorms I made my way to the Gryffindor common room. When I entered I seen Harry standing there talking to a man who looked awfully familiar? I knew him from so where I just know it..

" Ariella I think you should sit down and listen to everything we're about to tell you." Harry said. " who's this?" I said pointing to the strange man. " Sirius I think-" and there it was that's Sirius Black. I got up from the couch I was sitting on and backed away from them both.

" look I know this is gonna sound crazy but it will all make sense-"  " potter shut the hell up.... Your both crazy....... This Man's crazy." I said Harry just stepped towards me. This made me draw my wand from my pocket. " harry... I won't even hesitate to hex you if you don't back the fuck up." " language young lady" Sirius said to me. I looked at him confused and laughed lightly.

" and who do u think you are my dad?!" I questioned and laughed.  " yes actually" he said which made me laugh more until I realized him and Harry both weren't joking. " you can't be serious" I said. " actually I am Sirius-" " not the time" Harry mumbled.

After that I sat down and listened to everything  they had to say. " so let me get this straight..  your my dad, Voldemort is my grandfather and also he's trying to kill me because he didn't succeed the first time" I deadpanned. " yep" my dad said popping the p in yep.

" does my mum know?" I asked my dad.  " yeah she actually told me not to tell you any of this so if she askes............ say you had a vision,Or I don't know makeup something." He said.

After talking about it more he eventually had to leave he said he would come visit me as often as he could being a wanted criminal in all . He also let me know he never once forgot about me. This made me feel a little better but I'm still freaking out inside.

Okay so now we have to figure out how to kill mr I have no nose before he killes me or Harry first....... how hard can it be?

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