"I'm sorry, but anymore will make you sick," I tell them softly.
"Tch, they don't look like they are being fed properly," Gokudera grumbles out.
"Well we need to get to school. We'll figure this out after school," Tsuna tells us.

~Time skip to Study period~

Tsuna's Pov:

"Abused dogs?" Yamamoto replied as we tell him about the dogs we passed by.
"Yeah and I think it's the same people I reported to the police last year too," Yusei stated in thought.
"I don't get along with most of the dogs there due to some accidents as a kid on way to school. But that doesn't mean I wish a hard life on them," I stated.
"Juudaime, I'm sure you can figure something out," Gokudera says cheerfully.
"There's no way! Yusei is more better with ideas than I am anyways," I replied.

Then Reborn pops out from my desk scaring me again.

"Tsuna," he calls out as he appeares.
"Reborn!" I say sternly after I calmed down.
"Everyone goes through a stage where they believe in such things. Though rather they should believe it, is a different matter entirely," Reborn tells me.

' I swear this man is just trying to irritate me,' I thought. Reborn eventually hides again to Kami only knows where. Class periods passed till it came to time for our class to do the choir period. It's when we clean or what ever we are assigned to by the school.

"Cleaning is a pain in the ass," I mumble to Yusei while I use the mop.
"Since it's a school building, I won't agrue about it with you this time," Yusei replies back tiredly.
I then hear Kyoko speak, "You're from yesterday.."

I look over to see a kid by the girls.

"Hey Yusei isn't that-?" I asked
"Yeah it's I-Pin," he confirms.
"Did he do something?" Hana asked Kyoko.

Kyoko then explains how I-Pin helped her in the store yesterday when she dropped her change. I see out the corner of my eye that Yusei gave a small sad smile at that.

"Thank you so much for that," Kyoko speaks.
"What weird clothes," Hana stated.

Yusei got angry and spoke up.

"They are not weird. The child is Chinese. It is part of the child's custom. You think with you wanting to be a lawyer that you would learn not to insult children," Yusei says sternly.

Yusei walks over to them and then kneels down to I-Pin.

"I-Pin, were are your glasses that I sent to your master? Did he forget to give them to you?" Yusei asked in Chinese.
"You know I-Pin and I-Pin's master?" The kid asked back.
Yusei nods then continues, "Two years ago I watched over you while your master went on a small job meeting."
"Oh! You're the one master talks about besides master's family," the kid stated.
"Yes, probably. Now we're are they?"Yusei asked again

I-Pin then puts on big glasses.

"There is that better? Now take a look at the picture I saw you showing everyone," Yusei told the kid.

The kid did as asked.

"Now look at all of us," Yusei stated.

The kid does so then looks back at Yusei.

"You are currently in a school. This person doesn't look the type to be lurking around a school. As you can tell in the scene he is taking part in," Yusei says in a soft teaching tone mood.

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