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Third person's POV
Nick and Y/N have been dating 2 years, and in those 2 years they have created this unbreakable bond.

The past few months Nick has been thinking of proposing to Y/N.

He just graduated and although Y/N wasn't done school the two moved to Columbus together.

One thing Nick loved about Y/N was how much she cared about him.

Y/N wasn't done school but when Nick got offered a contract in Columbus, she was ready to go with him despite school.

That made wanting to marry her so much easier.

He knew she would do anything for him.

She would leave everything in a moment if it meant she got to be with him.

There was a start of summer party being held and both Nick and Y/N were invited.

Nick thought this was the perfect time to propose.

Part of him was nervous but the other part of him was extremely excited.

Me and Nick walked in the party and were greeted by his girl-best friend Sierra.

She hated me I wasn't sure why she just did. I guessed it was because of Nick and she liked him.

"Hey Nicky what are you doing here" she asked.

"Brendan invited us" he said.

She looked at me with a dirty look.

"Aww you brought Y/N how cute" she said.

Nick nodded in confusion.

Nothing interesting really happened at the. It was pretty boring.

Me and Nick were dancing together while Brendan was filming us.

I had turned around and was dancing on my own.

I didn't notice that Nick had left.

"Hey where's Nick" I asked Kent.

He waved his hand as and indicator for me to follow him.

I followed him to the back yard.

He covered my eyes and was leading me so where.

"Kent i swear if someone scares me your dead" I said.

When he uncovered my eyes I saw Nick on one knee with a crowd of people surrounding.

My hand covered my mouth.

"Y/N you are the most beautiful human i have ever met. You have been there for me whenever i needed you, you threw your life in Michigan away to come to Columbus and I can't thank you enough for that. I knew from the moment i met you I wanted to marry you, so I wanted to ask you, Y/N will you marry me" He spoke.

Tears fell down my cheeks as i nodded smiling wider then I ever had.

He placed the ring on my finger then got up kissing me.

Everyone started cheering and clapping except one person, Sierra.

She was giving me such a dirty look.

It was a bit later and I had gone to get a drink.

When I came back Sierra was practically sitting on Nick's lap.

She hair touching his chest, and laughing super hard for no reason at all.

She was blatantly flirting with him. I could tell he was uncomfortable and was trying to move away from her.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Here babe" I said handing him his phone.

"Thank you" he replied.

Sierra rolled her eyes but heir flirting with him.

Everyone was super confused at what age was doing.

"Sierra can you stop" Nick asked her.

"Why Nicky what's wrong" She said in a baby voice.

"Because my fiancée is sitting right here and your flirting with me knowing i'm taken and engaged."

You should tell she was mad.

She stared at me in jealousy and anger and she walked away.

"Sorry baby" Nick said.

"It's ok."

I loved how Nick stood up for me and how he let Sierra know she wasn't gonna take him away from me.

Hope you like this Gorgeous!!!

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