Meeting his family | MARK ESTAPA

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Request: @obrienle12

After 4 months of dating Mark he decided to take me to meet his parents.

"Babe you'll be find they will love you" mark reassured me.

To be completely honest I wasn't ready to meet his parents.

I told Mark I was, but I wasn't.

I was terrified. I wasn't like any of his exs. They were all blonde with brown eyes and I was the opposite, I was brunette with blue eyes.

Sure Mark didn't care but sometimes it bothered me.

He always said he was with me because of my personality yet I still got scared when he was around beautiful girls who happened to be blonde.

"Mark I can't do this" I blurted out.

"Babe why are you freaking out" he asked.

"I just, I'm not like your ex's, I'm not blonde and I don't have brown eyes what if your parents hate me" I said.

Mark shook his head at me.

"You are the most perfect person I have ever met, my parents will love you" he told me.

I nodded but was still partly unsure.

As we arrived at Mark's parents house my nerves started acting up.

"Bub do you want me to cancel we can do it another time if your really not ready."

"No it's ok, I'll feel bad canceling it so late."

He grabbed my hand guiding me to the door. He knocked on it and it was answered by his mom.

"Mark it's so nice to see you" she said.

Mark let go of my hand and gave his mom and hug.

"Hi mom."

"Who is this pretty lady your with" she asked.

"This is my girlfriend Y/N, Y/N this is my mom"
Mark introduced me.

"Hi it's very nice to meet you Mrs Estapa" I said putting my hand out for her to shake.

"You too sweetheart and please call me Carrie."

I nodded as me and Mark made our way inside the house.

"See everything is ok" he whispered in my.

"I still have to meet your dad and your brother" I told him.

He scoffed, "if my mom likes you, you don't have to worry about them."

We walked into the kitchen and saw both Mark's dad and brother at the table.

"Mark son how are you doing" his dad asked.

"I'm good how about you."

"I'm good, who's this girl your with" he asked.

"This is Y/N my girlfriend" Mark answered.

"Girlfriend how'd you mange that" his brother teased.

"Your funny."

"I'm Mark nice to meet you" his dad said to me.

"You too."

"I'm John Mark's brother."

"Nice to meet you too" I said.

"How do you put up with him" his brother asked.

"John cut it out, would you guys like to sit down dinner will be ready soon" his mom said.

Me and Mark sat down and waited for dinner to be ready.

"So Y/N how did you and Mark meet" his mom asked trying to make conversation.

"We met at school, he accidentally ran into me making me drop all my books" I said.

"Classic Mark always running into people" his brother said.

"John don't be mean" his mom said.

I would say the dinner was going very well. I made a nice conversation with his family and they seemed to like me.

I guess maybe I was worried for nothing.

"Thank you for having us, it was nice meeting all of you" I said to Mark's family.

"You two sweetheart drive safe you two" his mom said as we left the house.

"See everything was fine" Mark laughed.

"It was. Thank you for taking me to meet them" I said.

"No problem pretty girl" he responded.

When we got back we were bombarded with questions from the boys.

"Yes they liked me" I said.

"So you were worried for nothing" Matty said.

"Yeah pretty much."

"I told her everything was going to be fine and it was proved I'm always right" Mark said.

"Your never right, what are you talking about if anything Y/N is shears right" Luke said from the couch.

"Couldn't just let me have one moment" Mark asked.

"Sorry bro."

I laughed. I definitely more nervous than I should've been. His family was super nice and welcoming.

I was glad Mark convinced me to meet them. If I didn't meet them I wouldn't have felt like apart of the family and I definitely did.

Hope you like this lovey!

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