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Request: @thesarangsense

This is honestly one of my favourite ideas I've ever gotten!

Tonight was mine and Matty's favourite night.

Movie night.

Once in a while me and Matty would have cute little movie date night.

We would put on some random movie, get a bunch of snacks and cuddle.

It normally happened when Matty had an off day the next day.

It meant we got to stay up Kate watching some cheesy rom com.

Today was one of those nights. Matty was picking the movie this time since I picked last time.

We normally alternated who got to pick the movie.

"You almost done" Matty asked as he walked into the kitchen.

I was outing together a tray of snacks we could eat during the movie.

"Yeah just finishing up" I said.

"Ok I'll be in the living room waiting."

I finished up the tray and made my way into the living where Matty was sprawled out on the couch.

"Ok I'm here" I said walking into the living room with a tray of snacks.


I sat sat on the couch and cuddled up next to Matty.

"What are we watching" I asked.

"A chorus line" he said.

"Ooo I love that movie" I said.

"I know."

He pressed play on the movie and grabbed the bag of gummy bears in front of him.

I always loved musicals. I found them so fun to watch.

The singing and the dancing was just so entertaining.

As the movie was playing I had began singing along to the songs.

It took my a while to realize that I wasn't singing alone Matty was singing along to them as well.

"You can sing" I questioned.

Matty looked very confused.


"You can sing" I said with shock in my voice.

"I mean kind of" he said.

"You weren't going to tell me this."

"Not really" he laughed.

"Since when do you know how to sing Mr. Beniers."

"Well my mom was on broadway so I learned singing from her and she actually did this musical" he said.

I was in utter shock.

I never knew Matty could sing, let alone that his mom was on broadway.

"How dare you not tell me about this" I said dramatically.

"This isn't exactly my favourite thing to tell people about myself" he defended.

"Why it's a cool talent" I asked.

"Because I'm a hockey player and people would find it weird I can sing" he said.

"That's not true."

"But it is."

I sighed.

I don't know why Matty would hide this. I think it cool he can sing.

"Can you sing with me" I asked him.

"No absolutely not Y/N" he said.

"Please" I begged.

He shook his head.

"Please, please, please."

Matty still refused.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top" I said batting my eyelashes at him and giving him a pouty face.

"Fine" he finally agreed.

I fast forwarded to the next song so we could start singing together.

It was honestly very fun.

Well that was until Owen, Kent and Brendan walked in.

"What the hell is going on" Brendan asked.

"We're singing" I said.

"Matty singing, how'd you get that to happen" Kent asked.

"I'm a magician" I said.

They laughed.

"You guys wanna join us" I asked them.

They nodded and and to sit down with us.

The rest of the night consisted of all 5 of us singing along to the movie.

We also invited over the rest of he guys to join us as well.

So what was originally mine and Matty's date was now a sing along with all the guys.

I couldn't complain though, it was very fun. Especially Brendan singing that was definitely humorous.

Hope you like it lovely! Sorry it's a little short.

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