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Request: @overwrld

"Y/N pass the puck" my teammate Hailey (random name) shouted.

I passed the puck over to her and she shut it into the net.

"Yeah, wooooooo" she yelled.

I laughed at her weirdness.

Today was an off day for us so we we're kinda just messing around.

When we had an off day we liked going to the rink and playing around.

"Y/N let's go we're starting" Hailey shouted.


We played a little two on two. It was me and Hailey vs Mikayla (random name) and Kaci (random name).

"Yo who the fuck are you guys" someone shouted.

We all turned our head and saw a bunch of guys with hockey gear.

"The fuck are you" Mikayla shouted back.

"We're from the hockey team."

"So are we."

"We'll can you leave we have practice" one of them said.

"No, we asked our coach and she said neither team had practice today" I said.

They all looked at each other and pulled out our phones.

"Ohh our bad it's tomorrow" one of them apologized.

"It's cool you guys wanna play with us."

The nodded their heads.

The put on their gear and got out in the ice with us.

"What are your name" one asked.

"I'm Mikayla, that's Hailey, Kaci and Y/N."

"Cool, I'm Matty, that's Brendan, Jacob and Thomas."

"Nice names" Kaci said.

"Are we gonna play or what" Brendan asked.

"Yeah let's go" Jacob said.

We all got set up and got ready to play.

"Ok 4 on 4, whoever wins is the superior umich hockey team" Kaci said.

"Deal" Matty said.

The game was pretty intense. Not to boost my own ego but I scored quite a few goals which helped us win.

"Y/N was definitely MVP" Hailey laughed.

"I know right she got like 7 goals."

I laughed.

"Do I get a trophy" I joked.

"Sure we'll go buy you one."

Thomas' POV
"Dude I can't believe we lost to a bunch of girls" Brendan said.

"Hey they're good so I'm not that mad" Matty said.

I wasn't really listening to their conversation. I was more focused on that one girl, Y/N god she was pretty and amazing too.

She got like 7 goals and was so humble about it. Not gonna lie I was pretty hot.

I guess I didn't realize I aaa staring at her until Brendan knocked me out if my trance.

"Dude your staring" he said.

"Hun oh yeah, sorry" I said.

"You like her" Jacob teased.

"What no I do not."

They all gave me a 'are your serious look.'

"Ok maybe I like her a little bit" I confessed.

"Ask her out" Matty said.

I shook my head. I barley even knew her that would just be weird.

"Come on."

I didn't want to but somehow they got me to go ask her out.

I skated up towards her, " hi."

She turned her head to loom at me. "Hi Thomas right."

I nodded, "y/n."

She nodded as well.

There was a little bit of silence before I spoke up.

"Do you maybe wanna go out sometime. I know we just her but I thought you were really pretty and was hoping I could take you out?"

She laughed, "sure if love to go out sometime."

"Perfect here's my number I'll see you around" I said.

She put my number in her phone then skated off.

I skated back towards the guys who were teasing me about Y/N.

"Shut up would you" I said.

"Hey listen it's not our fault your a simp" Jacob said.

They ended up telling the whole team and everyone was teasing me about it.

I didn't care though Y/N was so pretty and super talented too.

Here you go love, I really enjoyed making this hope you like it.

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