World Championships | THOMAS BORDELEAU

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Request: @overwrld

Y/H/C - your hair colour
Y/E/C - your eye colour

Thomas' POV
I was on my way to watch Kent play with Nick and Luke.

Even though we we're on separate teams we still supported each other.

We were in the stand waiting for the game to start. They were playing against Italy which I assumed would be a fairly easy win for them.

I wasn't really paying attention I was mostly on my phone.

That was until Luke started yelling about something.

"Holy shit" he said.

I looked up to see a fight. It looked pretty intense too.

"Damn" I said.

The fight was super intense. One of the players even got cut in the had with a skate.

I knew it had to hurt.

You could see blood dripping from their hand.

The fight continued until refs had to pull them apart.

I've of them players began to take their helmet off and I realized it was a girl.

I was expecting her to be a girl but damn was she beautiful.

She had beautiful Y/H/C hair and these gorgeous Y/E/C eyes.

She was definitely pissed but that just made her even more hot.

"Ohhh Bordy has a crush" Nick teased.

"Huh what" I said not paying attention to anything but that girl.

"Your so in love, everyone can see it on your face."

I hid my face embarrassed.

I already knew I was blushing hard.

I didn't really care though cause she was gorgeous and had amazing skills.

She had hands like Kent and could do those crazy tricks I couldn't do.

After the game we sat waiting for Kent. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl though.

"Hey Kent good job in the win" Nick said congratulating him.

"Thanks" he replied.

"Hey Thomas has a crush on your teammate the girl" Luke said.

"Would you shut up" I hit him on the back.

Kent gave me a look, "her names Y/N I can introduce you if you want."

The smirk on his face says enough.

"No it's o-."

I was cute off by Kent yelling her nane.

"Y/N come here."

The girl walked over. Her Y/H/N hair falling down her back.

God she was so perfect.

"What's up KJ" she said.

God even her voice was beautiful.

"My teammates from Michigan wanted to meet you, guys this is Y/N. Y/N this is Nick, Luke and Thomas," Kent smirked at my name.

"Hey guys" she said.

"Hey" Luke and Nick said.

"Hi" I had softly.

"Cool tattoos."

I looked at her then looked at my arm realizing she was talking to me.

"Ohh thanks" I said.

She smiled.

"Thomas thinks your hot," I slapped Luke on the back of his head.

"I appreciate that, I think your hit too."

Everything just became awkward.

"We'll it was nice meeting you guys but I gotta go. Would love to see you guys again" she said.

We all waved bye.

Part of me was sad she was leaving but I knew I was probably gonna see her again.

It was a few days later and we had just finished up with our game.

When I came out if the locker room I was expecting to see Kent but instead I saw Y/N.

"Y/N" I said.

"Hi great game."

She smiled at me.

I was quite confused but returned the smile.

"I know you were expecting Kent but I wanted to ask you on a date if your up to that" she said.

I smiled, "I would love that."

She returned the smile.

My gonna lie I was kinda glad Luke embarrassed me in front of her because if he hadn't we probably wouldn't have ended up dating, so maybe I'm not so mad at Luke for being annoying sometimes.

Hope you like this!!!

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