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As if things could not possibly get worse, Giselle makes the mistake of calling Mr. Dickinson, her boss. The man screams furiously through the phone at her, and it's a miracle she isn't getting spit on through the other side.

"I don't care what kind of pathetic excuses you've come up with!" he shouts through the phone. "YOU ARE FIRED, BEAUCHAMP!"

The line cuts out, signaling his prompt end of the phone call.

"Well, he seems lovely," remarks Alfred, who's seated on Giselle's couch. "I'm sorry Giselle, I guess my call to him wasn't very believable,"

"It's okay, Alfred. He's just a miserable, stuck up man," she grimaces, slipping on a hoodie over her t-shirt and jeans.

After the bomb threat, Alfred picked her up and brought her back to her apartment because of its location so close to the City Hall. He insists that they would be safe so as long as he has a gun. Giselle feels embarrassed because she knows its not nearly as nice as the multi-million dollar Wayne tower, nor does she have a maid. Alfred doesn't seem to mind though—in fact, he insists that he came from worse.

"Don't worry about money for now, I'm sure that Mr. Wayne would be more than willing to help you," reassures Alfred.

"You know I can't accept that," sighs Giselle as she strides into her bedroom to pack up a few more belongings.

Alfred holds his tongue as the noise of keys jangling in the hall catches his attention. Moments later, the door swings open and a very confused Ashley is standing in the doorway with groceries.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my apartment?" she demands before Giselle runs out of her bedroom.

"Jesus Christ, Giselle?" Ashley cries out, dropping the plastic bags to the floor. "Where the fuck have you been? I thought you died for God's sake! I was ready to put out a missing person's statement for your ass!"

Giselle hugs the tall girl, who's hair is put up in space buns. "I'm so sorry, a lot of shit has happened. My phone was shattered—"

"And...this guy?" Ashley trails off, staring at the older gentleman who was standing apprehensively in the living room.

"Alfred Pennyworth, miss," he introduces himself. "I'm looking out for Miss Giselle here,"

"Damn, you have a bodyguard now, girl?" comments Ashley cheekily as she picks up her groceries and begins to unpack them.

"I've been staying at an um—hotel nearby," Giselle lies slightly. "Alfred insisted it's safest for me right now. The other night, I was with Annika and some men came and kidnapped her, Ash,"

"Oh my God," she states, closing the door to the fridge. "Are you serious?"

"Look, I know you're working at the Forty-Four Below, Ash, but you've got to be careful. These are really dangerous people," Giselle advises her.

"How do you know about that?" Ashley inhales sharply.

"Annika told me to stay away from there, and now she's disappeared. I don't want you to be next, Ash," pleads Giselle, striding over to her tall friend.

"I've got it under control, Gi, I promise," Ashley reassures the blonde. "I only do my job, nothing more. You won't see me in any photos with those mobsters, trust me,"

Giselle nods, putting her tongue in cheek. She thinks it best to not argue with her best friend so soon after reuniting. Ashley finishes unpacking her groceries before entering the bathroom.

The sound of the shower running causes Alfred to turn up the volume on the news. Suddenly, the screen flashes to the latest coverage on the bomb situation. Giselle turns to face the screen, her arms folded.

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