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    The next day, Giselle finds herself standing in the middle of her old bedroom. It feels like a lifetime ago since the night she had met Bruce and had her whole world turned upside down. Since Halloween night, she's been fired, nearly killed, and had the best sex of her life with the most complicated yet selfless man she's ever met.

"So let me get this straight," Ashley states apprehensively with an eyebrow raised. "You're just suddenly hooking up with Bruce Wayne, out of the blue, and didn't think to maybe mention it at all? I had to find out from a damn blog article, Gi!"

Giselle bites her bottom lip, attempting to come up with a story that is safe to tell her best friend. "He made me sign a...non-disclosure agreement. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, Ash!"

The blonde glances over nervously at Bruce beside her, who looks particularly uncomfortable with the entire interaction that is occurring. He's dressed in dark jeans and a hoodie--certainly not looking the part of an extremely wealthy man on the surface. "Er—yeah," Bruce adds stiffly.

Ashley huffs with discontent. "I mean, as long as you're happy. I'll tell you what, if Wayne here pays off my student loans, we'll call it good,"

Bruce scoffs, the ghost of a smile flickering on his lips. Giselle can't help but let out a laugh as well as Ashley dramatically strolls out of the room.

"Just joking, of course!" she calls from the kitchen as Giselle turns to the closet and begins pulling out a few articles of clothing. Meanwhile, Bruce silently looks around her room, occasionally picking up little trinkets and photographs. He holds a wooden-framed family photo up and Giselle instantly recognizes which one it is.

"That's the last photo of my family together before my father passed away," she informs him quietly. "I was eighteen. I had just graduated high school,"

"I'm sorry," Bruce says solemnly before placing the frame back in its place. "So you have a sister?"

"Delilah," she nods in agreement. "She's two years younger than me. She's finishing up college in Central City— she's brilliant,"

"And you aren't?" asks Bruce with a soft grin on his features.

"God, no," she laughs dismissively as she tosses the bag of clothes she was packing onto her bed. "She's going to be some fancy doctor one day! Meanwhile, I'll be lucky if I can manage to get a new job,"

"You don't have to work," he blurts out. "I can take care of you,"

"Bruce—you know I can't ask you that," Giselle tells him, turning to meet his gaze.

"I figured you'd say that,"  His eyes land on her, and he cannot help but admire how breathtaking she looks in that moment. It's nighttime, and the only light in the room is from the streetlights, streaming in through the windows. He bends his neck down to kiss her, their lips softly grazing before he pulls away just enough to speak.

"Giselle—" Bruce's voice catches in his throat as he stares at something outside the window. She notices his vacant stare behind her and turns to see for herself, noticing the Bat Signal shining in the night sky.

"Go," she urges gently. "It's alright, I'll stay here,"


"I'll be okay, I promise, Bruce," she insists as he bites down onto his bottom lip with worry before finally nodding.

"I won't be long," he tells her before pecking her lips softly.  With one last longing look, Bruce leaves the bedroom. Seconds later she hears the front door open and close.

"Where'd Mr. Millionaire run off to?" Ashley's voice asks, her head nosily peeking into the doorway of Giselle's bedroom.

"He had something come up with work," Giselle lies right through her teeth, picking up the bag and bringing it out into the living room.

She plops down onto the couch, before studying Ashley and realizing the girl had put on makeup and earrings. "Where are you going?"

"You're not the only one who has been getting dick, Gi!" she grins before the two girls erupt into laughter. "Tell me, is Bruce big?"

"Oh my God, Ashley! Do not ask me that!" Giselle exclaims, throwing a hand over her mouth to cover her laugh. "But for your information—yes. Much bigger than Jimmy, anyway,"

"Girl, Jimmy was literally a sewer rat," Ashley retorts, roasting Giselle's ex-boyfriend from high school. "A guy like Wayne is definitely an upgrade,"

She hurries back into her room to grab a pair of red heels before sitting on the couch to slide them on.  "Anyway, hun, I'll be back tomorrow. Please text me! I hate hardly seeing each other, I've missed you!"

Giselle nods in agreement and the two girls embrace for a moment. The tapping of heels on the floor echoes until Ashley steps out of the apartment.

The blonde girl looks down at her watch to see it is already almost eleven o'clock. Bored, she turns on the TV and scrolls through channels before pausing on an episode of one of her favorite rom-coms. Moments later, Giselle has a bag of chips, package of cookies, and a bottle of Chardonnay beside her as she allows herself to be a typical girl in her twenties for just a moment. 

She pulls out her phone and types 'I miss you' to Bruce before suddenly, the power goes out. The room is flooded with darkness and Giselle curses as she turns on her phone flashlight.

She hurries over to the pantry closet and opens it to see the circuit breaker. Giselle turns it on and off again with no luck. Just as she goes to shut the closet door, she hears a distinct creaking noise that only occurs on their old floor. Her heart lurches as she quickly shuts the closet.

The apartment is dark, except for the light from some street lamps pouring in. She begins to feel paranoid as she hears the sound of labored, slow breathing. It's all too familiar and she whirls around, her phone clattering to the floor as she sees his figure. The scary mask over his head, the goggles only showing his pale beady eyes.

"What do you want with me?" she asks, taking steps back until she bumps into the island in the kitchen. "I'm not involved in any of this!"

The Riddler cackles loudly, manically. "But you are, Giselle Beauchamp! You're the only person left I can use against Bruce Wayne,"

His voice is grating, and her veins begin to tingle with fear and dread.

"Please—!" she stammers nervously, trying to feel behind her for anything she could use to defend herself. "I haven't done anything wrong! Don't kill me, please!"

The Riddler lets out a jeering laugh. "Oh, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to use you as bait!"

"Bait?" Giselle repeats. Tears begin to stream down her face as he gets closer. She can make out grey duct-tape in his hand, while the other is held behind his back.

"That's right," he breathes. "Now, nighty night!"

Giselle watches in horror as he holds up a square of fabric and quickly maneuvers to hold her in a headlock. The fabric is pressed against her face as she is forced to inhale the scent of strong chemicals. Seconds later the room around her begins to spin as she fades out of consciousness, and into the hands of the Riddler.

• · ─────── · •❔· ─────── · •

author's note:

lol rip giselle thats the end of the story...
jk but plot twisttttttttttt
i'm sorry its taken me awhile to publish this chapter. ive been really busy working full time, and ive been trying to make chapters stretch because there's only a couple left and goodness knows it will be awhile til the next movie. this chapter in particular threw me for a loop because i was trying to get the riddler just right. the next chapter will be soon dont worry!! thank you all for reading i appreciate it sm!!

MOONLIGHT ↠ B. WAYNEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora