In the training grounds

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Luna's P.O.V.
Drawing the string back, I swiftly release it as I watch the arrow fly through the air before sticking itself in the center of the target hanging from the tree branch. Lowering my bow, I smiled proudly as I walked over to retrieve the arrow. The faint sound of the boys cheering and chanting could be heard from the training grounds where I was, the faint glow of the fire illuminating the camp not far away. As the clouds part in the sky, finally the soft glow of the moon cascaded down and gave me enough light to see the several dents in the wood where I had hit. The training grounds seemed so different when there was no one here. A peaceful setting where I came to clear my head, especially after Henry got cut. The thought of him getting cut by that glass was confusing me and how it even ended up here on the island. The boys were careful to not make a mess and live off what is provided from the island, not anything from the other realms. My father could have accidentally broken a bottle but he told us it wasn't his, and that his rum was carried in a metal flask. Chris and his crew doesn't even bring glass to the island and leaves it on the ship, so it worried me where that glass came from. Sighing, I lifted my bow after grabbing another arrow. I nock the bow once more before aiming, and shooting right where I hit before. "Not bad." A voice suddenly caught me off guard, making me jump as I turned to look at Peter who jumps down from a tree, landing gracefully on the ground as he strides to me.
"Peter!" I hit his chest in anger that he had scared me. Peter laughed, putting his arms in front of himself to try and block me as I recoiled back finally. There was a pause as Peter looked around the dimly lit area. The training grounds weren't too large. Enough to hold around six archery stations and quivers, some area for dueling but sometimes that's held in a different clearing depending who's leading that training. The brush around the grounds was gone in some patches as we made more room to expand the grounds. There wasn't much equipment since most of what we used was our own weapon which we kept on us on all times. The lessons we teach the boys that don't involve any weapons like hiding, fighting and things like stealth are normally taught in the main clearing or sometimes Felix will take them out to practice in the real environment. Something suddenly collided behind me and I lift my heel, turning around to see the wooden sword laying at my feet. My eyes trail up to Peter, who had another sword in his hand. He arched a brow, smirking at me as I picked up my sword. He knew what he was doing, a game we played as kids. He lowered his sword to aim it at me, and I did the same. Peter gave a smug look, placing an arm behind his back. He adjusted his stance, his legs shoulder width apart as he steadied himself. I grip the sword, standing tall as his wooded blade suddenly crossed with mine. I let out a sharp yelp as I tried to push back from the sudden attack. My heart pounded in my chest as I think of what to do. I looked around to try and see if there was anything that I could use to help me overpower Peter, even though I knew almost no one could overpower him but I was determined to try. Sweeping my leg under Peter's. I was able to make him fall, smirking as I went to disarm him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to him. I collide with his chest, shaking my head as I glared down at him with a playfulness in my eyes.
"Lesson number one, never underestimate your opponent." He smirks, getting me to growl playfully.
"Found you!" Peter and I looked up in the branches as Asa and Isaac fall down from the trees and onto us. The two of us laugh as two more join the pile of wings and limbs. Flurry and Cassie were on the top, Cassie even on top of his sister. Peter made an attempt to get out from the pile of his children but the combined weight of the three teenagers alone was enough to keep him pinned the forest floor with a heavy sigh. Cassie's giggles could be heard as he crawled off his siblings. He nuzzled into Peter's shoulder, who turned to look at his little boy. He ruffled his hair, getting Cassie to giggle. I couldn't help but smile, taking a moment to enjoy my family here with me. There was silence for a few moments before footsteps could be heard as Felix walked through the ferns into the clearing. "Okay you little traitors, where did you hide it this time?" He crossed his arms, Peter and I extending confused looks at each other. Asa hid behind his brother who lifted Flurry's wing. Our attention then goes to the three teenagers who tried their best to hide from Felix.
"I don't know what you mean." Flurry started, her brothers nodding as well as if they were all in on the same game which had to do with my brother and hiding something of his.
"You know what I'm talking about. Where did you three demons hide my mace this time?" Felix asked again as he looked between the three teenagers who seemed to stand their ground.
"I'm sorry, Felix. We really don't know what you're talking about. We were by the fire most of the night." Asa tried to explain as calmly as he could but I could tell there was something else going on.
"No you weren't." Cassie giggled, getting his big brothers and sister to jerk their heads over at him as they tried to hide their feelings of fear. Felix also turns his attention to the little boy.
"Oh really? And where did you see them go?" Felix kneeled down to the little boy. Asa and Isaac shook their heads at Cassie, trying to silence him but I knew my son better than that.
"I saw them whispering to each other as Asa walked to the tents. He came back and they walked into the jungle. I wanted to come with but they said they had to do something at Daddy's tree." Cassie explained. Asa fell back on the ground as if he had been shot down dead, Isaac continuing to hide being Flurry's wing as Flurry showed no emotion to hide her fear-a trick she picked up from her father. Felix turned to the three of them, narrowing his eyes a well as Peter. The children knew that they weren't supposed to mess with anything that belonged to Felix. Any other boy in this camp was free range but Felix wasn't one to be messed with. Felix turned back to the teenagers, who quickly turned and ran into the forest before they could be caught. Felix chased after them, jumping over Peter and I as he followed the kids into the forest. As the sound of rustling trees and screaming of the teenagers faded, I look over at Cassie with a smile as I kissed his head with a soft giggle.
"Let's get you to bed little one." I cooed and Cassie gave a huff of protest but finally gave in. Peter and I started to walk back after I grabbed my bow in my free hand and picked up my son. Once we got to Cassie's tent, I gently placed him in his bed as he wrapped himself in the fluffy blanket his father gifted him. Peter went to sit next to Cassie, starting to tuck the boy in who gave his usual innocent smile followed by a yawn. I step over to the dresser, taking a small but long box out of one of the drawers and set it next to the oil lamp. Opening the box, I grab one of the white feathers that seemed singed at the end. It seemed about twice or three times the size of an eagle feather. Opening the small door to the lamp, I gently hold the tip of the feather inside as a flame sparked to life. Peter almost never used his wings so we were able to take feathers which could burn the ground or anything they touched and use them to light the lamps. Closing the door to the lamp, I walked over with it and set it onto Cassie's bedside table as I gently placed the feather in his hand. Cassie sat up a little as he watched the black singed tip engulf the pure white feather until it was nothing more than ashes. Cassie giggled at the feeling as he blew it onto the ground. I pull the blankets up to his shoulders as Cassie cuddled closer to them with a soft yawn. "Get some rest, bug." I peck his cheek which got Cassie to give a soft smile. Peter did the same as we both stood up, turning to leave but I turned back to look at Cassie. Fast asleep already. Smiling brightly, I leave silently with Peter as we step over to the fire. Many boys have started to retire for the night but some are still up. I sit a little ways from the fire, Peter taking his seat next to me while we gazed into the burning flames. "What about a game tomorrow?" I asked after a long pause between Peter and I. Peter turned to look over at me, arching a brow in surprise.
"You haven't wanted to do that in a while. What changed your mind?" He hummed quietly while returning his gaze back to the fire which casted a faint orange glow on his face. I shrugged while shifting my wings slightly behind me.
"This camp has been on edge ever since Henry got cut. I think it would just help with some of the tension before everyone goes insane." I explained, getting Peter to nod in agreement. Although I knew he wouldn't resist, I could tell he was still pretending to think everything over before smiling.
"Game on."

Hey everyone. I'm so sorry for not being that active. Life had been crazy and then I struggled with how I wanted this book to go and didn't want to continue writing until I knew what I wanted. But I think I have it so I'll continue to post updates. They may be a bit slow and I apologize but I'll keep them coming. Let me know what you think or if you want to see something and want to recommend it let me know. Also I'm considering writing in third person? If that's something you want let me know. Also also my writing format will change slightly but not too bad. Anyways thanks for sticking with me and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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