Hidden in the mortal world

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Felix's P.O.V.
Climbing into the higher tree branches, I finally am able to fully look out at a large amount of the island before me. I looked below me, narrowing my eyes to try and find any rustling in the trees or any sounds from down below. Pan had decided that today would be a day just to play a game, and it was Luna's favorite. The camp is divided into hunters and prey. The prey tried their best to survive while the hunters tried to go after them. The prey could take hostages though and they could chose if they wanted to die or join the prey. Normally Pan, Luna and I jare always hunters along with the trio and a few others but Luna decided to play as prey. Flurry was on my team as well and we had to have the twins on the same team to not confuse them. I could hear wingbeats as Flurry lands at the bottom of the tree. Jumping down, I looked down at my niece. "No signs of Daddy." She shook her head. Everyone knew that if Pan was on one team, the other team would want him as he was an automatic win. I looked around for a moment, slowly taking a few steps back just as Hunter ran into the clearing and tackled Flurry to the ground. Flurry snarled, quickly pinning the boy under her with her razor sharp wings to his neck. We had enchanted them to be her main weapon and she took advantage each time she used them. Hunter chuckled, smirking up at the young teenager as he whistled. Two dark figures came from the shadows, tackling Flurry to the ground and off of the blonde boy.
"Got ya!" Jerome smirks as Hunter stood up.
"Damnit. I forgot you guys are always on the same team." She snarls. "And now you're prey with us." Andrew smirks back as they helped her up. "Well we have your best hunter so good luck winning." I step closer to them, hearing a rustling in the trees around us. Everyone instantly shut up, following the slight rustling in the silent air.
"Luna." Jerome whispers, taking a step back slightly to the forest. Andrew grabs him.
"Don't." He whispers. "Remember the shadows are her domain. You step into those woods and you're gone." Andrew explained as the rustling suddenly appeared in the trees right next to us as well as on the opposite side.
"Wait-how can she be in two places?" Andrew asked in a puzzled manor as I gave a devilish smirk. My sister was never one to travel alone, and only hunted with one other person.
"Pan..." Hunter whispers in horror. Being prey, and being confronted by Pan wasn't the best idea. He and Luna possessed special gifts in the game based on their powers. Luna could sacrifice anyone to the shadows to bring someone back from any team and Pan could enchant anyone to follow his orders whichever team they were on. Despite Andrew's warning, the two brothers and Flurry ran into the shadows, leaving Hunter behind. The rustling chased after the two brothers as Hunter and I turned to gaze at each other. Hunter was about to say something when a sudden horn sounded through the distant air. Nothing like either of us were used to or heard before. Hunter quickly jumps into the trees, climbing up as he tried to get a good look at whatever made the noise. I watched what I could see of him through the trees as he tried to look out onto the distant ocean. Finally, Hunter jumps down with a look I couldn't exactly read. Panic, fear, confusion.
"What is it?" I asked as he jumps from the trees.
"Something bad."

I leaned against the dresser off to the side, my arms crossed as I glanced over at my family surrounding Henry's bed. After Hunter had told me what made the noise, we were able to find Pan who shut the game down early and called for an emergency meeting.
"A military ship?" Emma asked, clearly as puzzled as everyone else in the room based on their expressions.
"That's what was reported." Pan confirms with a nod of his head as Luna shook her head in confusion. I could see by her own expression she was attempting to figure this out herself. This island was her life, and meant more to her than it meant for any of us. If it was threatened she would do anything to protect it.
"How? Only those in Storybrooke know about the island and even then those who know are extremely slim. There's almost no way to get here besides flying or a magic bean, so how is a military ship able to find its way here!" She panicked, trying to put the pieces together in her mind.
"What about Greg and Tamara?" Everyone turned to Henry as he sat up. Pan's gaze hardened at the names, and I saw the queen clench her fists slightly but Milah rests a hand on her shoulder to settle her down.
"What about them?" Emma asked as Henry tried to find the words.
"I mean they were able to get me here through a magic bean. Even if it was stolen. But how would they know how to use it to get here?" Gazes slowly turned to Pan once more for answers as the leader of the island shifted.
"I was able to send them a message through a scout." I told them, getting everyone's attention. After all, I was the one who carried out Pan's orders for Henry's kidnapping in the first place.
"Could the scout be out there?" Milah asked, turning to her son who shook his head.
"I highly doubt it. Even if he is, we have no way to contact him or reach out to him." Pan explains to everyone. Luna sat down by her brother as she tapped her foot in thought.
"What about that globe that found Baelfire?" Regina suggested. The Dark One scoffed quickly.
"Even if that was to work, I would need his blood. Getting his location is time wasted we may not have."
"We may not be able to reach that scout but there's another in the mortal world." I explained. "But I don't exactly know how to reach him."
"I could reach him!" Luna looked at our family quickly. "I mean-someone who knew him at least. I wasn't exactly that close to Henry's kidnapping or what happened. But someone does." She stood up. "Felix you know this scout. I could put you under an enchantment to reach him in his dreams. You could send him a message to help us through the dream world. If he has information on this military ship getting here we need it." She looked up at me with hope filled eyes.
"You want to put him under a spell that may or may not help? Can you even do that?" Hook turned to Luna who nods.
"It's worth a shot, Killian." Milah told the captain. "If he can find this scout then it gives us a lot of help in helping them leave. But of course it would take a lot of willpower to not get distracted." She turned to me suddenly.
"She's right. The dream world can get very distracting, especially when you're leaving your own mind to enter another's." Luna explained in a softer tone than even Milah who was often soft spoken as it was. I could tell she was nervous, especially if this threat became too much.
"I'll do it." I give a sharp nod to my sister who surprised me by wrapping her arms around me which caused me to stumble into the dresser even more.
"Thank you big brother." She beams up at me with an innocent smile. Looking down at my baby sister, a question struck my mind. How was I even able to go years and years without even knowing her was a mystery as I couldn't go one day without making sure she wasn't dead despite knowing she's a fighter. Coming from my thoughts, I gave a warm smile to my sister who beams up at me proudly. Alright. We'll do it tonight then!" She wraps her arms from around me, scanning the group of adults before landing her gaze on someone. "Mr. Gold if it's all the same with you I'll need some help. I may be skilled but it would be nice to have you as standby." I could catch a glare from Pan at the Dark One and by the way Gold straightened himself and gave his know it all but blank expression, he could tell.
"I guess there would be no harm in the extra help." He spoke up finally, Pan shifting slightly in his place.
"Peter why don't you and I go gather some berries for tonight." Milah suggested, leading her son out of the tent before he or Gold could rip each other's throats out.
"Will those two ever get along?" Henry asked, watching as Pan left as my mother sighed before sitting down on the bed next to him.
"I don't think so, kid." She kissed his head as Luna glanced over at Gold considering we were talking about him like he wasn't even there. Gold didn't really seem that phased, or if he did, he seemed to not show it which I guess Pan picked up from him.
"Not to be a bother but perhaps we should get prepared for tonight." The Dark One finally spoke up as Luna glanced over at him.

"I have some lavender growing by the tipi, I'll go grab some." Luna swiftly left the tent as the sound of her wingbeats faded after a few moments.
"Why do we need lavender?" Regina asked, looking around in hopes for someone to answer her question.
"It helps with falling asleep and gives a calming aura." Henry informs her as the queen nodded. "She sometimes uses it on me at night to help me sleep, especially since my leg injury."
"Boys who have trauma or nightmares from their past life often benefit from it as well. Although I'm pretty sure I won't need it." I shrug, crossing my arms over my chest even though I knew I wasn't going to win this argument against my sister as I often did. I listened as random chatter was struck up quickly as we waited for Luna to return. Killian and Henry kept talking about the ship, Regina and Snow arguing about leaving before things got dicey and David and Gold arguing about whatever fight they had going on that week. I remained quiet as I listened in for a long while before the wingbeats returned. Everyone went silent as Luna returned with a cup that smelled like wild flowers. Pan ducked in soon after, Milah following her son with some berries in a little bowl. It was fast but I guess Pan just needed to calm down.

"What's that?" Henry asked, eyeing the cup Luna held with hesitation.
"Herbal tea.  Lavender with some other wild berries. " Luna explained to our little brother.
"And the catch?" Emma asked, knowing that nothing with her daughter was ever so simple.

"With a small spell to keep Felix asleep long enough to reach out to this person." I glared over at Luna, as if to remind her I don't like magic being used on me. It was a peeve of mine but she almost never listened when it came to things like this which luckily never happened. She gave me an eye roll, giving a pitiful look as if to beg me. After a long pause, I let out a heavy sigh.
"Fine." I muttered in agreement to let her use the magic.
"Now then, shall we go get started." Gold spoke up, as if he wanted to rush this along, If magic was involved, he never wanted to be on the sideline, especially with Luna.

"You guys go along, I'll stay back with Henry." Regina offered, most likely because this was a matter she didn't care much about.
"Alright, let's go." Luna hugged her little brother once more before ducking out of the tent. Gold was about to follow but Pan got in the way, leaving after. I followed after Pan, followed by Gold, my parents and Snow and David while Regina stayed with Henry. We walked across the camp into my own tent and the small but open space quickly became crowded with the adults. My bed was on the right side next to the opening, another bed clean with a golden sword on the other side. A small table at the end of both beds in the middle held a dead lantern and a few small daggers.
"Who's bed is this?" Snow asked, turning to the clean bed that's remained untouched for who knows how long. I felt a glance at my direction as I met the pirate's gaze as if both of us were asking who would answer. I quickly turned around, deciding he could relive what he did.
"Rufio's. I killed him years ago." He explained as the tent went quiet. Before Hunter and Pan, Rufio was a second brother and we got into all amount of trouble and fun together.
"Can we just get this over with?" I asked quickly, glancing out at the sun high in the sky. I sat down on my bed as Luna stepped forward, handing me the tea.
"This shouldn't knock you out but it has poppy dust in it will get you tired pretty quickly." She explained as I took the cup as the smell of flowers and citrus hit me quickly.
"And it isn't exactly night so it may be harder to find him." Pan reminded me as I give a soft nod.  Luna turned to Pan and spoke something in Moon I couldn't translate. Pan nodded, as his gaze shifted to his father who was off to the side. Most likely she was telling him to watch his father. I gripped the cup in my hand, bringing it to my lips as I downed the warm, smooth drink. I handed it back to my sister who took it back, stepping back. There was another long moment of silence before I heard Emma ask Luna something. Luna answered but her voice seemed distant, as if she was half way across the  camp. Before I knew it, the voices stopped and everything went black.

His War. The fifth book in the His love Peter Pan ouat story. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن