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"She made a potion that her father would give her mother everyday week which would only suppress the pain till she gets back but not heal her. Raven roamed around as days rolled into weeks and weeks into months. During the second month, she was resting her head on the trunk of a tree when she suddenly heard a voice cry out in pain", Lady Samantha stopped to look at me who was hearing her attentively.

"She packed her bag, slung it over her shoulder and rushed to the place she heard the voice from. She saw a very old man dressed poorly practically in rags, his hair looked like it had seen better days but now, it looked like shit and smelt awful".

"She wanted to turn and proceed with her journey but she couldn't because she didn't want the man to die in pain. She moved towards him and tried not to pull her face in disgust as she checked the man's wound. It really looked bad, sos he started gathering some leaves around and brewed it for the man. She handed it over to the man and after he drank it, he fell asleep immediately".

"Raven rolled her mat on the floor and laid the man on it for him to rest better. She couldn't leave the man alone like that, sos he decided to wait until he woke up. She fe......".

"You know, I don't still know what this has to do with me?", I said, interrupting her.

"Just shut up and listen", Lady Samantha said, frustrated from my  constant interruptions.

"Yes boss".

"She fell asleep a while after and she woke up when she felt someone moving beside her. She stood up quickly and saw that the old man was no more sleeping but sitting on one of the strong branches of a tree. She was really afraid cos the old man didn't look sick anymore and the herb she brewed for him couldn't have healed him that fast".

"I know you are wondering how I became okay suddenly. I am the guide and keeper of the unknown Land and my name is Hunter Eros", the man said.

Immediately he said this, he transformed into an handsome young man. His rags turned into a long white robe and his hair turned long and golden while his eyes turned into bright silver that complemented his robe and a sword with silvery hilt which was tied to the left side of his robe", Lady Samantha narrated.

"You have proved yourself worthy to receive what you're here for. Most people would have left me or should I say, the old man to die but you chose to save him. You will be given the potion that will make your mother whole and healthy", Hunter said and Raven started thank him furiously.

"But there's a condition attached to it", Hunter said once more and Raven's face fell.

Lady Samantha stopped her narration and checked her wrist watch. "Wow, it's 6pm already. We have to stop the story here today."

"Can't you just continue? I can't wait till midnight to hear the story, my hostel isn't that far", I said, looking at her with puppy eyes.

"I thought you weren't so interested in the story before", Lady Samantha said.

"Well", Raven said as she rested her back on the chair. "You didn't tell me the story involved an handsome young man".

Lady Samantha burst into laughter. "You're one of a kind", she said with love in her eyes but it cleared from her eyes few seconds later and it made me wonder if it was ever there.

"I sure am".

"Anyways. I have a meeting with the elders by 6:30pm, I'll be late if I do not leave now", Lady Samantha said as she stood up and started packing her bag.

I nodded at her and stood up to take my leave.

"Raven Liam is your grandmother", I heard Lady Samantha say as I walked towards the door. I looked back her to ask what she said again but she was busy packing somethings into her bag and it made me wonder if she ever said anything.

I walked towards by hostel slowly at first but I couldn't pretend not to see people pointing fingers at me and murmuring about me being a powerful woman or powerful girl or whatever they were calling me, so I hastened my steps quickly.

When I got to the girls hostel, I practically ran up the stairs, then into my room. When I entered the room, I saw Andy reading a novel on her bed.

"Where have you been? Jaxon has been worried sick about you", Andy said as she scurried up from her bed as she saw me. "He said you just took off without saying where you were heading to".

"I am very sorry. I just had to go see someone", I said, giving her a look that told she she should not bother asking for more information.

I threw myself on my bed and asleep immediately. When I woke up to ease myself in the midnight, I suddenly remembered Lady Samantha's last statement "Raven Liam is your grandmother".

What did she mean by that? Or was I just imagining things and she didn't say anything like that?

I fell asleep as I keep ruminating on what she had said.

I woke up some minutes after six in the morning. I couldn't get a sound sleep because I was just tossing around the bed.

I decided to take my mind off things by heading to the training ground. So, I changed to a black baggy trousers and a tank top and headed to the training ground.

It seemed almost everyone was still asleep except for three to four people I came across in the hall way.

When I got to the training ground, I started doing some exercises, first jumping jacks, then pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups and then cobra stretch.

I started practicing some fighting moved and spotted someone at the other edge of the training ground. I walked towards the person and found out the person was a young masculine man.

Sweats were dripping from his face down to his bare chest making him look even hotter than he already was.

If I had not known better, I would have thought he was fighting some invisible force cos of the way he kicked and punched the air.

I stood there for some minutes, drooling. I was actually drooling because of a guy! My mind shifted briefly to Jaxon and I started with my comparisons.

While Jaxon had blue eyes, this guy had dark green eyes and dark sapphire hair. He was slightly taller than Jaxon and was definitely more masculine.

While Jaxon looked like Eros the god of love, this guy looked like the devil himself.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't know when he got to my front. He snapped his fingers at my face to relieve me of my daydreaming. Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of these guys?

"Hi", I said nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

"You might want to, you know...", the guy said with a hard voice as he rolled his index finger in front of his mouth. "clean that".

"Oooh sorry", I said as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. He didn't say anything else but stood there like he was waiting for an explanation as to why I was watching him.

"Eeeerhm", I started, clearing my throat. "My name is Raven", I said, stretching my hand towards him.

He only nodded towards my outstretched hand and kept his hands tightly to himself. God! This guys really has an attitude.

We stood like that, watching each other and I was actually uncomfortable but he looked like he was enjoying himself.

Raven, who is this you've gotten in contact with like this!

*.                  *.                  *.
Author's Note.
I hope I didn't disappoint you guys with this new chapter. So do you think Lady Samantha meant what she said about Raven Liam being Raven's grandmother?

So please don't forget to vote, comment and fan :) 🙏

Thank you ☺️.

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