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I opened my eyes and found myself standing at the bank of an ocean. I looked at my body and found out I was now wearing a free gown which was flowing around me because of the breeze. I sat down, closed my eyes and dipped my head to the back, allowing the wind to scatter my hair.
I opened my eyes as I suddenly felt a movement around me but I saw nothing. I went back to my former posture and started humming a song. I felt the movement again, this time around, I was sure about the movement.
I stood up and looked frantically about. As I was still searching for the person, I felt a hand on my shoulder but when I looked back, I saw nothing. I was scared at this point, and thought of running away but i didn't know where to run to.
As I was still contemplating on what to do, a man with snowy white hair and beard appeared. I backed away from him and started running in the opposite direction. Before I could run for like 10 seconds, he appeared before me again.
Did he just run as fast as that?
I turned away from him and started running away but the same thing happened again. Frustrated? I turned to him and asked "Okay, fine! What do you want from me? Huhn? You really have a good way of running fast with those white hair of yours". He continued smiling which made me more frustrated.
"Sit down, Raven", he said with a fierce voice.
What the hell? He even knows my name?.
I complied and sat down but not without giving him a look of contempt. "Be fast with whatever all this is Sir White".
"I'm sure you're wondering how you got here, what I'm doing here and also who i am but I don't have much time to explain that now", he paused to make sure I was listening to what he was saying.
"Due to who you are and the mist that entered you, you're now one of the most powerful woman in the world.
Everywhere suddenly became silent, even me. I'm very sure I didn't give him the reaction he was expecting cos after like some seconds of an awkward silence, well to him, I started laughing uncontrollably.
"You're really old, really really old. Just go back to where you're coming from", I said as I continued laughing.
"I'm serious about this", he said with an embarrassed face while still being serious. "Okay chill, close your eyes".
"For what?".
"Just close your eyes Raven", he said with much force.
"Okay, Sir White".
I heard some ruffling but when I opened my eyes, what I saw surprised me, shocked me even. He was completely changed, like completely. "W-w-what the f-fucking fuck", I said, completely dumbfounded.
"Maybe now, you'll stop calling me Sir White, I hate that name and you'll believe me now, right?"
"Completely". The old man that first appeared to me now looked like a young, handsome man. His former features are completely changed, he looked....well, fuckable.
"Fuckable? It seems I have to change back", he said and without waiting for me to say anything, he changed back.
"How did you know what I was thinking? ", I asked as I watched him with admiration. How did he change so fast? How did he even know what I was thinking?
"Don't worry, you'll know all about it later but let us deal with the matter on ground now".
"What's bigger than the matter of you reading my mind and changing into......you know ", I laughed as I punched him in the shoulder playfully. The glare he gave me told me I wasn't getting anything about that matter.
"The bottle you opened or should I say, you broke contained the powers of an immortal woman who died and her powers were transferred into a bottle. Because you were the one who opened the bottle and for another reason we won't be talking about today, all her powers are now yours to use effectively".
"What have I gotten myself into? But I haven't even showed any sign of having powers. I'm still the normal girl, the normal Raven", I said, still ruminating on all what he said.
"But there is one thing that will make you very about your powers".
"What?", I asked looking up to his face.
"You can fulfill your dreams with your new found powers. Be more powerful, agile and strong to become the warrior you've always wanted to be".
"Wow, that's something to make me feel better", I said as I stood up.
"Run with me".
I looked at him, astonished. Is he trying to make jest of me? Didn't he just see me run as fast as a snail the other time?.
I stood up reluctantly and ran after him. My speed increased with each second and within a minute, I covered a great distance. I noticed my senses were heightened, I could get the rustling of the trees more clearly, I could also smell the ocean quite well.
I quickly caught up with Sir White and ran past him. I laughed as he struggled to keep up with me or maybe he was only slowing himself down so I could be happy. Anyways, whatever I was still winning.
He finally asked me to stop, which I did. "Now, let me give you a short lecture on how to use your powers. You can wield water and fire from both hands with practice. And the most interesting of all", he said, stretching forth his hand and a sword with golden hilt appeared "this was left behind by your predecessor and it is finally yours now", he said as he handed it over to me.
I admired the sword as he handed it over to me, it looked just like my favorite sword. Immediately I held it, fire came up from the tip of the sword and then covered the whole sword. I made some swift moves with the sword and it felt awesome, really really awesome.
"Wow". I laughed as I looked with wonder at the fire dazzling on the sword.
"Nice isn't it", he asked, watching me.
"Yeah, by the ways, what's your name? You never told me".
"You never asked and you just decided to name me Sir white".
"Whatever, I just asked", I said, huffing.
"Just keep calling me Sir White, you ain't ready".
"But I AM READYYYYYYYYYYY", I shouted on top of my voice. "Hmmhmmm, to wield my sword", I continued silently when I saw his terrible glare.
"Good. It's time for me to go".
"Go where?", I asked, looking at him like a baby.
"To where I came from".
"And where's that?".
"A place".
"Wi....", he didn't let me finish.
"Just shut up already", Sir White said, waving me off. "Till we meet again, Raven Elson", he continued, bowing and disappeared into thin air while smiling at the look on my face.

*. *. *.
Author's Note.
Hey everyone, yeah I'm back again with another chapter and another character. What do you think of him, the 'Sir White'? Don't forget to vote and comment on each chapter 😉.
Thank you ☺️

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