Only a Coincidence

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Andy's POV
     After collecting my room number from the secretary, I walked into the hostel gently so as not to drop any of the bags I was carrying mistakenly. I moved between the numerous girls walking on the ground floor as I checked the paper given to me and saw 010 written on it.
     I searched for the room 010 and after many twist and turns, I found the room and knocked. I just hope I have a friendly roommate, I'm not in the mood for any fiasco. I really didn't understand why my parents would deem it fit for me to come here to train. Paluelsa? What kind of name is that, aaarrrgh.
      I was still thinking deeply when a girl's voice shouted "come in". I dropped my luggage on the floor as I entered the room. "Hi", I said.
     "Hi", the girl replied. She was looked really beautiful and friendly. Hmm, I hope so. The girl must have noticed my nervous look, then she smiled and walked towards me.
     "My name is Raven", she said, stretching out her hand.
     "Andrew but you can call me Andy", I replied as I shook her hand.
     "Andrew? I thought the name was for males", she said, chuckling.
     "I figured, that was why I changed it to Andy. Sounds more girlish".
     Raven helped me carry my bags farther into the room and when she saw me still standing at the spot she left me, she said "Hey, you don't need to stand there staring at me. This room is mine as it is also yours".
      "Thanks", I said, locking the door and walking into the room.
     "Feel free to unpack your luggage and take a shower quickly . Dinner is thirty minutes and you surely don't wanna be late", she then looked up to me and held her stomach dramatically "and I also do not want to miss it 'cos I'm really famished already".
     "Hmm, you must be quite the foodie", I said, laughing. " I will quickly take a shower and unpack my luggage after dinner", pausing to mimick her, I also held my stomach dramatically, maybe I was much more dramatic "I'm famished already".
    Raven laughed as she picked one of the pillows on the bed nearest to her and threw it at me.
     "Ouch", i said, feigning being hurt.
     "Serves you right", she said as she walked to her bed to rest. "I'll be waiting for you right in my dream. Make sure you wake me when you're done".
     "Right". I didn't think she heard me though because what I heard as a reply was soft snores. She really is something, I like her already.

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     We walked to the dining all holding hands so as not to lose each other in the crowd of boys and girls hurrying to the dining hall.
     "Do you know where the boys hostel is? I don't think I've seen any other building except the three I saw when I got here", Raven asked as we hurried into the dining hall.
     "One of my cousins that came here two years ago told me the boys hostel is at the back of our hostel. There are still many buildings you are yet to see, those three buildings you saw are just the closest to the gate".
     We maintained a comfortable silence till we entered the dining hall. The hall was almost full and I watched as Raven scanned the room for an empty table. She saw one at the left side of the hall and pulled me towards it before anyone got there before us.
     "What do you want to eat", she asked as we secured the table by sitting down.
     "Fried rice and chicken with any kind of fruit juice", I said.
     "Okay, sit right there and let me go grab some for ya", she winked as she walked hurriedly to the counter at the front of the hall. Hmmm, I surely like her.

Raven's POV
     I walked to the counter at the front of the hall and ordered two plates of fried rice with juice. I happily collected the tray from the waiter. As I turned to go back to my table, I collided with a hard chest. Thank God I had a stable and firm grip on the tray, if not, the content would have spilled on the person's chest.
     I looked at the person before me and jeez! Wtf is he doing here? The look of surprise on his face told me that it was just a coincidence. Well, I hope it is.
     "Hey Raven, what are you doing here?", he asked.
     "Hey Jaxon, what are you doing here?", I asked sarcastically as I walked past him and continued walking towards my table. "What's your problem", I asked as I noticed he was following me back to my table.
     "You should be happy to see me. At least we were friends even tho", he paused as he shrugged "not so close".
    "The problem is that you, Jaxon, is stalking me. I told you I can't marry you. You shouldn't waste your time thinking that following me to Paluelsa will make me fall in love with you. If that's your real intention for being here, then you're dreaming on hard ice", I said, giving him a death glare as he stood in front of me to stop me from going any further.
     "Oooooh, is that what you are thinking? Then you're wrong cos I was also surprised when I saw you here. I didn't plan any of this and you should stop jumping into conclusions about people. It's wrong", he sighed defeatedly and continued "maybe I should let you be. I'm sorry for disturbing", he said as he moved away from my front to let me walk to my table.
     I felt really bad for talking to him like that and jumping into baseless conclusions about him. "Jaxon!", I called him when he started walking away. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what I said to you", I said after few seconds. I looked at his face shyly and smiled "you can come sit with my friend and I at our table....if you don't mind".
     "With all my pleasure", he said with a mock bow.
     I kicked his leg playfully and gave him the 'shut' expression.
     "You should treat a young guy nicely milady", he said as he feigned a pained expression.
     I laughed as we headed to my table and was glad I settled things with him.
     It was only a coincidence.

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Author's Note
     Hey everyone, I'm sorry for not uploading chapters since last year. I promise to upload new chapters at least twice a week ☺️. Read up my new story "stuck in the middle", you'll find it interesting. Don't forget to vote and comment as you read on.
Thank you 😊.

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