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"Thanks Doc", I said for the third time as we walked to the entrance of the hospital.

The doctor smiled at me reassuringly. "You will be as strong as ever in the next few days. Just have some rest and use your medications daily as prescribed".

I smiled at him and continued walking to the entrance of the hospital where Jaxon and Andy where waiting for me.

Jaxon led us towards a car and stuffed my bags into the boot.

"Whose car is this", I asked, looking at the car.

"Mine", Jaxon replied as he hopped into the driver's seat.

"What! I thought we weren't supposed to bring our cars here in Paluelsa", I shouted in disbelief.

"Who told you that?", Andy asked as she sat down in the car, pulling me with her.

"My parents". After some seconds, I opened my eyes wide as realization hit me. "My fucking parents!", I shouted as I hit my head on the head rest.

"They probably thought you were going to run off from Paluelsa after a few days", Jaxon joked as he started driving.

"Exactly", Andy concurred, laughing.

I squinted my eyes at them immediately. "Are you two against me now", I asked, pointing at the both of them.

"What a typical Raven can do", Jaxon said, looking at me from the rear view mirror.

I rolled my eyes at them, deciding not to reply them again.

We got to the girl's hostel after few minutes of driving and I cajoled Jaxon into staying with us for a while which he did reluctantly.

"Wow. Your room looks pinkish", he said as he sat down on one of the beds which happened to be mine.

"Well, that's because it's girls room", I said,smiling.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom while Andy helped in unpacking my bags and arranging them to their various places.

I still felt bad for what happened at the hospital, she was a really good friend.

After bathing, I quickly changed into an off-shouldered crop top and a high waist jean I took into the bathroom with me.

By the time I got to the room, Andy had finished unpacking and Jaxon was checking a picture of my parents, my twin sister and I.

"Your sister is very beautiful".

I felt a pang of jealousy as he said it, although I didn't know exactly why. Maybe it was because he only acknowledged my sister's beauty or maybe he didn't say "your sister is beautiful but you are more beautiful than she is".

I forcefully smiled at him and told him I was hungry. He dropped the picture on the bed and took his car keys as he stood up.

Andy had already fallen asleep on the bed, so I decided to bring her lunch instead of waking her up.

When we entered the dining all, all eyes suddenly fell on me; the students inside were pointing fingers at me and they started talking in hushed tones.

I was able to hear what each of them said probably because of my new found powers and I wasn't happy about it. I wished I couldn't hear all what they were saying.

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