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Jaxon's POV
I felt a need to protect Raven since almost everyone in Paluelsa already heard what happened to her. I was really confused and worried because the bottle can never be opened or broken by someone who is not a Raven.

"Does that mean Raven is the daughter of Raven Brandsword? If she is, that means she is one of the most powerful women in the world. Would she be the Raven I know? The funny and badass Raven?", I thought to myself as I walked frantically around the room, checking on her every minute to know when she wakes up.

She has been out for three days now and the doctors kept saying she would be alright. I looked at Andy who was fast asleep sitting on a white chair with her head on Raven's bed.

I was still walking around the room when I heard a sound from the bed. Thinking it was Andy, I didn't bother looking back but I heard the sound again, this time it was louder like a voice was trying to call me.

I turned and looked toward the bed, finding Raven looking wide-eyed at me. I sprinted towards her and sat down beside her on the bed.

The sudden movement caused Andy to wake up. She was till trying to find the source of the movement when her eyes landed on Raven who stared at her.

She was so surprised that she couldn't get to finish a sentence "Errrrhm, how are you? No, sorry, how are you fee....sorry", she stopped, smacking her forehead in frustration. "I meant hope you are okay and....", Raven stopped her as she pulled her into an embrace.

"Thank you for staying with me", Raven said sincerely. "And you too", she continued, turning towards me "thank you also".

"It's nothing"

"It's my pleasure", Andy and I said at the same time.

After the doctor checked on Raven, Andy and I filled her in on the latest developments. How everyone already know that she was already one most powerful woman in the world and how she was a celebrity everyone was talking about.

I stayed with her until evening when I was sure she was okay and decided to get her food directly from the kitchen.

Raven's POV.
I watched Jaxon as he left the room to get me food from the kitchen. I later learnt that he and Andy never left my side throughout the three days I was out.

Even the doctors thought he was my boyfriend and Andy, my sister. I laughed at the thought of having Jaxon as my boyfriend.

I pictured us sitting on a mat in a garden, with my head on his shoulder as we watched thousands of stars in the sky sparkle brightly.

I started giggling playfully as Jaxon bent his head down and grazed his lips on mine. As he finally pulled my lips into his mouth, a silent moan escaped my lips.

I heard someone shouting my name but I didn't want to lose the moment and I continued my assault on his lips.

I suddenly felt someone slap me across the face and I slipped out of my imagination quickly.

Opening my eyes only to see Andy cleaning her lips in disgust, I knew exactly what I had done.

"You were thinking about him, weren't you?", she asked in accusation.

I looked at her feigning ignorance about who she was talking about. "I don't know what you're talking about", I said, looking away from her.

"You were thinking about Jaxon! Raven, you kissed me thinking he was the one!", she said angrily.

I didn't understand why she was angry about me thinking about Jaxon but I did understand why she was angry about me kissing her.

"Why are you suddenly angry about me thinking of Jaxon? Huhn? Yes, I was thinking about him, you've got a motherfucking problem with that?".

She looked at me with a pained face and said "Raven, I'm not angry because you were thinking about him. I am only angry because you let your guards down. What if it was one of the doctors that was here or one of the nurses, won't you feel embarrassed when you discover you kissed him?", she paused to see if I understood what she was saying.

"I don't want you to ridicule or embarrass yourself in front of anyone. You should actually be thanking God it was me and not anyone else".

"I am sorry", I apologized sincerely.

"It's alright. Just be careful next time", she said and I nodded like a kid.

We sat in a comfortable silence until Jaxon got back. He said he met the doctors on his way and he was told I would be discharged the next day.

Andy helped me pack my bags in preparation for the next day and helped me take my bath after I ate. She left afterwards to take her bath and change into clean clothings in the hostel.

When it remained Jaxon and I in the room, I shifted uncomfortably on the bed as he looked at me.

"I've really missed you", he finally said.

I looked up to his blue oceanic eyes I had actually come to fall in love with. "I missed you too", I replied shyly.

He looked surprised that I actually replied him and I looked away shyly as he started smiling as if he had won a jackpot.

Suddenly, the dream I had about Mr.White crossed my mind and I debated on whether to tell him or not. But I decided it was best to still keep it to myself until later.

"What's on your mind", he asked when he noticed I was lost in thoughts.

"Nothing". I smiled as I held his hands in mine. "Nothing at all".

"If you say so Rav", Jaxon replied with a wink.

Rav? I liked how it sounded from his lips. Rav.

I finally slept off smiling at the turn of events.

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Author's Note
Hi everyone, I'm sorry for not updating the story in a while due to somethings.
I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and don't forget to comment and vote.
Thank you ☺️.

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