Part 11

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A few weeks had past. The day before Ivy put Angela with Tegan again. Emma had been afraid of Angela but Tegan assured her Angela was nice. Angela told Tegan what had happened. Angela got burn scars on her wrist similar to the ones Tegan had. They couldn't understand why Ivy put them all in the same room.  Ivy entered room, Tegan immediately stood in front of Emma trying to protect her from Ivy. Angela glared at Ivy.
"Someone's still mad they lost," Ivy said sarcastically.
"Well it wasn't exactly a fair fight," Angela retorted. Ivy rolled her eyes.
"I think it was pretty fair," She said, "Not that I really care." Angela backed away. Ivy slammed Tegan into wall with no warning then did the same to Angela. Emma screamed and Ivy glared at her. Emma gasped and covered her mouth, she backed away from Ivy till she hit the wall. Ivy smirked and left the room. Emma slid down the wall crying. Tegan had been knocked out from the hit and Angela hurt her her shoulder badly. Angela managed to help Tegan. Angela then made her way over to Emma.
"Hey look at me," Angela said and Emma looked up at her, "Everything is going to be ok, me and Tegan are gonna get you out of here." Emma hugged Angela tight and cried. Angela was caught off guard, she hugged Emma back.

Nixie had been brought to what she assumed was Sith and Faith's home. They immediately got medical supplies to help the green haired girl, who passed out shortly after they got there. Nixie was really confused, no one told her what was happening and she wasn't even 100% sure how she got there. Things calmed down a bit and Sith was helping Nixie with her wounds.
"What is going on? Did you guys help me for no reason?" Nixie asked. Faith was doing something on the other side of the room. Sith finished bandaging Nixie's wounds.
"Well there's a reason," Sith responded. This seemed to catch Faith's attention.
"What is it?" Nixie asked, really confused. Sith looked at Faith, whatever it was Sith wanted to make sure Faith was ok if they told Nixie. Faith sighed and went over by them. She seemed nervous.
"Nixie, your older sister didn't die all those years ago..." Faith told her. This confused Nixie more, there had been a funeral and everything. Faith continued,
"She ran away, your mom told everyone she was killed to cover it up," she said. This didn't really surprise Nixie, the fact that her mom would care more about her reputation then her child was very true. And the fact that her sister would run away also made lots of sense, their parents were extremely abusive.  Nixie had always assumed her mom had beat her sister to death and was covering it up.
"How would you know that?" Nixie asked, a bit skeptical. Faith sighed,
"I am your sister Nixie," she said. Nixie was shocked but still needed to be sure.
"Prove it," Nixie told Faith. Faith thought about it for a second before responding.
"When you were six I made you a pink and blue bracelet that was made out of stretchy material. Mom hated and she tried to get rid of it many times," Faith said to Nixie. This was true, in fact Nixie had the bracelet on at that very moment. Nixie's eyes grew wide as she realized everything Faith had said was true. Nixie hugged Faith with tears in her eyes. Faith was caught off guard for a moment then hugged her back. Nixie had so many questions.
"Why did you change your name?" Nixie asked, she could then think of a few reasons she would have changed her name and was curious.
"Well I figured it would make it harder for our parents to find me, and I also thought people might be suspicious even with hair dye," Faith explained. There was a crash from the other room.
"Everything's fine!" Someone called from the room. Sith and Faith went to go help. Faith stopped before leaving the room,
"You don't have to go back to mom and dad if you don't want to, you can stay here however long you like," she told Nixie. Nixie smiled and Faith went to help.

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