Part 14

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-4 years later-
A little girl, not much older then 3, was visiting a town with her mom. The little girl wandered off into the forest. As she wandered she ran into someone, a woman. The woman was wearing a cloak with a hood up. The little girl was scared at first, she cried out in fear. This caught the woman's attention. The woman pulled her hood down and kneeled in front of the girl. The woman had light pink hair, quite similar to the girl and golden eyes.
"Forgive me princess, I did not mean to frighten you. Are you lost?" The woman said, speaking as a knight would to their queen. The little girl nodded, no longer afraid. The woman helped the young princess to the edge of the forest but did not dare to go any farther. An angel guard flew down.
"Oh thank god you found her," the Angel said relived, "Thanks Nixie."
"No problem Angela," Nixie responded. Nixie turned to the little princess, "you shouldn't go into the forest princess, it's unsafe." The little girl nodded. Angela led the princess back to her mother, the queen, who was beside herself with worry. Someone joined Nixie, her sister Faith. Faith smiled,
"She's cute, isn't she," Faith said. Nixie nodded.
"Looks like it only took loosing two kids for mom and bad to become decent human beings," Nixie remarked, her voice slightly cold. She had to admit she was jealous her little sister would get to grow up with the mom and dad she wished had been there for her. Faith wrapped her arm around Nixie.
"Come on, let's head home." Faith said. The two of them headed deeper into the woods, back home.

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