Part 8

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Nixie had noticed something different. She felt better then unusual. She wasn't sure what was different but didn't feel as weak as before. It didn't take very long for her to figure out why she felt this way. Macy had cornered Nixie, as she went to hit her Nixie threw her arm up in hope of blocking Macy at least a bit. When Nixie did this she created a small shield with her magic. Macy's eyes grew wide with shock and anger. Nixie was caught off guard as well, she thought she couldn't use her powers. What changed? At that moment Nixie felt a sharp burning pain in her neck. Oh god no! Macy had activated the shock collar, Nixie could she the remote in Macy's hand. Nixie cried out in pain. The pain grew worse until she fell to her knees and seconds later she passed out from the pain. When Nixie woke up she was in a new place. She was in a medium sized room with a simple bed. The room had no windows except for the one on the door. The door was an iron door and had a small window on it. Nixie peeked out the window, she could see a lot. Through the door Nixie could see what looked like some kind of lab. There were lots of different tools. On the far wall Nixie could see chains and blood stains. Then she saw Ava dragging a devil kid over to the chains. She chained to kid by her wrist to the wall and left her there. The little girl was very bloody. Nixie looked away from the window, she slid down the wall and sat on the ground. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. Where was she? Why was she at this horrible place? She heard another person enter the room with Ava. Macy. Nixie could hear them arguing but not very well. She pressed her ear to the door to try and listen.
"You said it would last a year!" Macy yelled at Ava. Ava glared back,
"It should have! It worked just fine in the test! I don't know what went wrong!" Ava retorted. Macy sighed, calming herself down.
"Well we need to figure out what because 3 months Isn't long enough," Macy told Ava. The two left the room.

Tegan had mostly recovered from her wounds. At least two days had passed. Angela and Tegan liked having someone to talk to, even in their situation. The door buzzed open, Ivy entered the room. Tegan backed into the corner but Angela held her ground, glaring at Ivy. Ivy was unfazed, she looked Angela dead in the eyes.
"Come with me," Ivy instructed Angela. Angela took a step back, she refused to go with Ivy. Ivy rolled her eyes, she grabbed Angela's wrist and dragged her into the hallway. Ivy pushed Angela out the door as Tegan tried stop her. Ivy brought Angela to a large room.
"What the f*ck do you want from me?!" Angela yelled at Ivy. Ivy smirked as the bindings on her wings clicked open and fell off followed by the bands on her wrist. This caught Angela off guard and she turned around confused. Angela turned back around and glared at Ivy.
"What are you playing at?" Angela asked, she stretched her wings out. Her wings were sore from being folded in for so long. Ivy told Angela she wanted to fight her but she wanted it to be fair. Angela questioned why she would give Ivy the satisfaction of fighting her. Ivy gave her three options; refuse to fight and she would kill both her and Tegan; fight her and is she wins she can go free or fight and if she loses she stays trapped here and gets was Ivy called the penalty. With no other choice Angela agreed to fight her. The room was wide and tall, clearly made to give Ivy the advantage. Ivy was extremely good at in flight combat. Ivy's wings were much smaller then Angela's wings. Ivy had small, pointed, yellow and gray wings and Angela had medium sized, feathered, yellowed wings. Ivy took off into the air and Angela followed her. Angela quickly got used to having magic again.
"Oh and just so you know I'm the only one that can open that door even if you got your magic so I would suggest you plan you moves wisely" Ivy told her, seconds before she slammed herself into Angela. Angela was thrown into the wall and Ivy used her wings to propel backwards before Angela hit the wall. Angela managed to use her magic to slow her speed before she hit the wall. Angela managed to recover quick enough to attack Ivy. Angela created a small blast that hit Ivy in the side. Ivy spun downwards but recovered before she hit the ground. Ivy shot up towards Angela, who dodged Ivy. Ivy got real close to hitting the ceiling. Ivy allowed her self to free fall a bit to avoid hitting the ceiling. Ivy sent a large blast at Angela. The blast hit Angela, knocking her back into a wall and she fell to floor. Angela managed to use her wings to cushion the fall. She was bruised and bleeding but still managed to get up. She healed her wing just enough to fly and quickly dodged another blast from Ivy. Angela bolted upwards and got behind Ivy and slammed into her. Somehow Ivy managed to flip Angela over her and into the wall. This left Ivy spinning away from where Angela was before she recovered. Unfortunately the hit knocked Angela out cold and she fell to the ground. Ivy landed next to Angela and called in two robots. Ivy uses robots that she made to help her. She instructed the 2 robots to bind her wings and put the wrist bands back on. Ivy then told them to take her to a different room. The robots did as told.

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