Part 5

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As time went on Nixie learned more about where she was. The forest they were in was always just called The Forest, there didn't seem to be a real name for it. Hailey came over with Ava sometimes but she never seemed very happy about it. Was she being blackmailed or something? Natalie and Hailey came back for the test a few days later. Natalie looked really nervous, she stayed by Hailey and her eyes were purple. How do her eyes change color? They went into another room. Natalie sat in a chair and Hailey watched Ava and Macy, she was clearly suspicious of them. Ava drew Natalie's blood and looked at Hailey,
"See nothing bad, just drawing some blood" she said. Hailey sighed, at this point she just wanted to leave. Hailey and Natalie left the room to talk. As they walked down the hallway talking Hailey bumped right into Nixie. Hailey fell backwards into Natalie who caught her, Nixie hit the wall and caught her balance before she fell to the ground.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Hailey said
"No it's fine, I wasn't either" Nixie responded. Natalie had never seen Nixie before and seemed to be observing her.
"Ummm hi?" Nixie said, noticing Natalie looking at her weird.
"She kinda looks like Faith, but with much lighter hair," Natalie said to Hailey.
"I guess a bit" Hailey responded.
"Who is Faith?" Nixie asked.
"A friend of ours," Natalie replied, "She looks a lot like you, you guys have the same face structure and you guys have similar hair color."
"Ya but doesn't she dye her hair?" Hailey asked.
"Idk it was just kinda a thought I had," Natalie said. There was a crash from something falling in another room, Natalie's eyes went from grey to purple.
"Hailey can we leave now?" Natalie asked her.
"Of course we can," Hailey responded. The two left. Nixie was curious and wanted to know what fell. She peaked around the corner into the room. There was glass on the floor from something that had fallen and Danny had a cut on her hand.
"Danny seriously, what the f*ck," Macy said, "you are lucky nothing was in that, clean it up and get out."
"Sorry mistress," Danny responded and she cleaned up the glass. As Danny left she bumped into Nixie. No one fell over, Danny just kept walking but Nixie was knocked out of her hiding spot. The sound caught Macy's attention.
What are you doing here?" Macy said, her voice was calm but icy.
"I-I was just curious a-and wanted to see w-what you were doing," Nixie stuttered.
"I suggest you leave now," Macy responded. Nixie didn't need to be told twice, she quickly left the room. Nixie found Danny in the kitchen, bandaging her cut.
"You ok?" Nixie asked her. Danny look up at Nixie and rolled her eyes,
"Ya," she responded. Danny went back to bandaging her cut.
"What happened?" Nixie asked. Danny sighed,
"I dropped a glass," she told Nixie.
"You need help?" Nixie offered. Danny finished bandaging her cut.
"Can you just leave me alone?" Danny said.
"Y-ya, sorry," Nixie replied. Nixie left the room and Danny was alone. Danny put away the bandages. She looked out the window and noticed it was dark outside. The clock said 11:15. Danny went and found Macy, who was still working in the other room.
"Danny I told you to leave," Macy said, she didn't even look up.
"Forgive me mistress," Danny responded, "It's very late and I was wondering if-"
"Ya, ya, do whatever you want just leave me alone," Macy said, cutting Danny off.
"Thank you mistress," Danny replied and she left the room. Danny made her way to her bed room, she passed Nixie asleep on the couch. She went to her room and shut the door. Danny went into her closet and pulled out her iPod and put on her earbuds. She played music loud enough she couldn't hear herself think as she laid on her bed. After about an hour Danny put the iPod back into her closet, tucking it away into the back, and went to bed.

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