"Um, good?" It sounds like more of a question rather than a statement. And from the smirk that's playing on Braden's lips he can tell I'm lying. He just always fucking knows. He's about to respond when Carter slides in between Asher and I.

"Drink?" she asks me sliding a dirty Shirley into my hands. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in and bring the drink to my lips. Braden says something incoherent as Carter hands Asher his beer and takes a sip from her own drink. Trey, Julie, and Tori have joined us again. I'm still surprised no one saw Julie fall and kick her out of the bar.

"The date?" Carter whispers. I should have guessed they all would be asking me about it but honestly, we didn't even kiss and nothing exciting even happened. Noah doesn't give me butterflies, he doesn't make me excited to see him. He's just bleh to me. I am sure he isn't bleh to other people but to me he is.

"Tomorrow's problem," I respond to her in the simplest of terms. She nods in understanding as Sanders leans into Rae who is bitching him out.

"Hey! Díaz can you please stop sucking face with your girl on my lap!" Sanders yells at the couple. They make no move to pull away as Sanders ushers Rae out of the booth. Robbie walks in between Braden and I to grab her. I can feel eyes on the side of my face as I look away from Robbie and Rae. Braden's staring at me with a cocky smirk on his face and eyes that stare at me like they see me. My stomach flips as I look away from him and his tattooed arms bulging out of his shirt. He's too damn good looking for his own good and he knows it.

"Lace!" Julie yells stumbling towards me. I snap out of my daydream of Braden looking at her. Trey is holding onto her by her belt loops and shaking his head in amusement. I think when Julie said the guys are drunk, she meant her and Braden. Everyone seems pretty tame tonight.

"Hey Julie," I say as she plants a kiss onto my cheek. I laugh as she grabs my cheeks in her hands.

"You're so pretty. Isn't she pretty?" Julie says turning to look at Trey. He nods his head looking down at her in admiration. If only she could see the way he looks at her. I need to join Carter and Asher's bet about them because I need this to happen sooner rather than later.

"Thank you and you are just as pretty, even prettier," I say grabbing her cheeks. She juts out her bottom lip as we let go of each other and she falls into Trey.

"Not possible," she says raising her arms up almost punching Trey. He moves out of them way shooting her a glare but it doesn't stay for long. I laugh even harder watching the two of them as they bump into grumpy Braden.

"Drunk fucks," Braden grumbles drinking from his beer. Julie sticks her tongue out at him crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're a fuck," she slurs back. Trey laughs but drags her away from Braden while Carter rolls her eyes.

"Mr Grumpy Pants," Carter states pinching his cheek. He smacks her hand away as she lets out a laugh. "You need a shot."

"Someone said shots?" Sanders says with raised eyebrows. Robbie and Rae head towards the bar to order a tray of green tea shots while the couple, Díaz and his girl, get off the booth. Sanders puts his hands up in praise, "Hallelujah!"

We all laugh as he slides back into the booth grabbing the corner. I sit beside him while Braden sits next to me. On the other side of Sanders is Rae, Robbie, and Julie. Trey stands in front of Julie with Carter and Asher standing in front of us. Except Carter barely reaches the high top.

"Someone get my short ass a stool," she says leaning her elbows on the table. I let out a laugh and try to ignore that Braden is so close to me. Why did he sit here? Why would he sit here? What the hell?

"The date?" he says lowly. No one else is paying attention too busy in their own conversations. I turn towards him with a raised eyebrow.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say. He smells like wood and beer. Weird but I love it, it's Braden.

"You're right I would," he says with a challenging look in his eyes. I look away from him again as I hear him sigh. Glancing back at him I see his head laid against the back of the booth. I let my eyes trail his neck as his Adam's apple bobs up and down. His silver chain wrapped around his neck with his tattooed, dark hand wrapped around his beer bottle. His chocolate tattooed skin looks amazing underneath the dim lights of Darby's. I swallow harshly.

"Having fun?"

I jump at Braden's voice snapping me back to look at his eyes. They have a shine to them I haven't seen in awhile as he crosses his arms over his chest. His muscles bulging and I am having a hard time looking away. I cross my legs, clearing my throat.


"Checking me out, having fun?" he asks me turning his head away from me. He shuts his eyes again but the smirk is still evident. I feel my cheeks flush as I bring my curled blonde hair over my shoulder to hide it.

"I wasn't even-"

"Don't be embarrassed, I don't mind, Lace. Look all you want," he says as goosebumps form over my arms. I need to get out of this booth, now. I can't handle the flirting and my mind is spinning.

What's going on?

I release a shaky breath with Robbie and Rae returning with the green tea shots. I feel Braden's leg rub against mine as I move it away instinctively. If he notices, he doesn't make a move to say so or acknowledge it. He keeps the same position that he was in before. I grab a shot from the tray and watch Julie argue with Trey. She clearly does not need a shot and I appreciate him trying to stop her.

"We got water for you and Braden. You two clearly need it," Robbie says sliding a glass in Braden's direction. He finally lifts his head up bringing the glass to his lips. His eyes meet mine again placing the glass of water down.

"Alright, I'm heading out," Braden says wiping his hands on his jeans. I can't help the look of shock that overtakes my face. He is so up and down that I never know what Braden I am going to get. Everyone boo's him but I stay silent. He offers a wave to everyone as his eyes drags over our friends to look at me. He sends me a nod before turning to Carter and Asher. They say something to him but I can't hear over the group. He responds nodding his head something flashing across his eyes for a second before shutting it down.

I follow him until I loose him in the crowd of people. I glance down at the shot in my hand and bring it to my lips. The bitter shot flows down my throat but doesn't do anything to ease my confusion and anxiety. I don't know if anything will at this point.

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