𝟘𝟟. 𝖾𝗑𝗁𝖺𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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Once Allura is done wiping things down with wet wipes, she turns her attention to the girls

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Once Allura is done wiping things down with wet wipes, she turns her attention to the girls. They're looking defeated, slumped down in their seats.

Romelle's cheeks are all red and her breaths are heaving.

Allura pulls Romelle's water bottle out of the side compartment of her teal backpack.

She hands it to her.

Allura: Drink some, that'll make you feel better.

She turns to Pidge.

She doesn't look too good. She took a hard battering when she fell, and she's panting and rubbing her face.

Allura: Are you ok?

Pidge: I think. My body hurts, but at least I didn't break my glasses.

Pidge's voice sounds thick and tight, and she's stiffly hunched in her seat, hiding her face.

Allura: Yea, I know. Where does it hurt?

Pidge: I dunno, everywhere from the fall and all the running.

Allura: I know.

She rubs Pidge's back sympathetically.

The plane begins to move to take off.

Pidge: The plane is taking off.

Allura: I know it is. Now we can just rest.

Allura pulls a wet wipe out of the pack and gently wipes Pidge's face.

She has a bruise on her right cheek.

Pidge: Ow! Don't push!

Allura: Ok, ok! I'm sorry.

She stops wiping.

Romelle pulls her blue lion sweater out of her backpack.

She wraps the soft sky blue jacket around herself and reclines.

Pidge pulls her blanket out of her backpack and unfolds it.

She puts up the armrest and bundles up next to Allura.

Within minutes they are all asleep.

The boys too.


Pidge blinks her eyes open.

Pidge's thoughts: "Are we almost there?"

She eases up, careful not to wake Allura, and grabs her phone out off her backpack.

It's 3:30 a.m.

Pidge's thoughts: "Ugh, I don't remember exactly when we got on. I think we have like an hour and a half left of the flight? That would mean I've been sleeping for like three and a half hours, maybe a bit longer." 

She turns on the little tv screen in front of her and pulls up the map.

She's right. An hour and forty minutes until they land.

Pidge's thoughts: "Ahh almost there. Then we'll get to the hotel, and HOPEFULLY they'll let me relax a bit."

Pidge is leaning back against Allura.

She falls back asleep, but she leaves the map on, leaving the little airplane to continue its slow journey around the world. A little speck of white against a sea of blue and green.


The lights flicker on at four o'clock in the morning.

Romelle is blinking her eyes open and groaning.

Next to her the other girls are waking up.

Romelle: Ughhh what time is it?

Pidge looks at her phone.

Pidge: Four o'clock in the morning. Just 'cause the clock says a.m. doesn't mean it's time to get up, people! Sleep is sacred while traveling!

The girls lean against each other in a heap of moaning.

Romelle wonders what the boys are doing.

The flight attendants bring them breakfast.

Allura groggily: Thank you.

Once the flight attendant walks away, Pidge groans.

Pidge: Breakfast, at FOUR IN THE MORNING?!

There is Melba toast, another roll, and some little packages or butter and jam. Then there is a main dish covered with foil.

Romelle begins to slowly peel back the foil on her food. It's hot oatmeal. On the side there are small packs of brown sugar.

Pidge is pouring the little sugars into her oatmeal.

Pidge: This is not NEARLY enough sugar.

Allura: Someone is quite grumpy today.

Pidge: Yea, well I'M TIRED, ok! I didn't ask to be ran around an airport, to fall on my face, or to be woken up at four!!

Allura: I know.


Keith slept through the turning on of the lights.

Shiro is shaking his shoulder. He wakes up.

Shiro: Keith, the food is here.

Keith: What food? I don't want any dumb food. It's four in the morning.

Keith pushes his face into the side of Shiro's jacket to escape the light.

Shiro: Come on Keith, you need your strength. We land in an hour and a half.

Keith: Ugh, fine, I'll have a roll.

Keith grabs a roll and shrinks back into his seat.



Hunk: Yea, I'm not sure I'm gonna make it.

The flight attendant brings the food.

Hunk: Ooo food.

Hunk begins to dig in.

Lance: Ugh you have problems.

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