Our girl is a hot mess in this one

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"Get up, sleepyhead," Bucciarati cooed into Lira's ear.

She cracked her eyes open, feeling less than amazing. She could sense the layer of dried sweat and oil that had covered her body while she slept. Her eyes and lips were slightly puffy. She sat up and let out a long, high-pitch groan as she held her head. "Bruuunoo, it's earlyyy," she quietly whined in a gravelly voice.

"We're going to Venizia. Everyone else is ready to go," he said flatly as he crossed his arms.

"My head," she trailed off as she rolled from the mattress to the floor. She slowly stood up and wobbled with lightheadedness. "Where's the exit?" she asked sleepily as she groped along the solid wall. Bucciarati chuckled and made a zipper for her to walk through. Lira covered part of her face with one hand as she stumbled towards the bathroom. The rest of the guys, who were drinking coffee in the living room, turned their heads to watch her.

"Lightweight," Abbacchio scoffed under his breath.

"Yeeesh, gattina, you ok over there?" Mista asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thank you, Mista," she choked the words out before disappearing into the bathroom. Mista's heart leapt at the sound of his name coming from her lips. "Numba 3, don't even start," he gave the bulletman a precautionary warning.

In the bathroom, Lira leaned her hands on the counter and studied her face in the mirror. Man, I look like shit, she thought. But it's nothing a shower and a hairbrush can't fix. I can't believe I was so stupid yesterday. Of course Bruno wasn't relegating me to my own bedroom. I drank way too much for no reason, and now I feel awful. At least I didn't do anything too stupid. She let the shower warm up before stepping in and starting with her hair. Ok girl, so you fell flat on your face. That's not too bad. Embarrassing, maybe, but Bruno was sweet about it.

Lovecat appeared in the bathroom before sitting on the counter. "Miao!"

Mama mia, I called Abbacchio a stalker. He probably wants to toss me out a window. But it was funny, I guess. But he also seems to care more about finding my father than I do. I mean, who really cares? It's not a big deal, I've gotten this far in life without him, and I'm doing just fine.

Lira got out of the shower and got dressed, putting on the same Saint Laurent homemade knock-off she wore the first night she met the gang at Bucciarati's place. She looked at herself in the mirror and ran her fingers through her damp hair. Yea, alright, this is better!

Or so she thought. Her stomach suddenly churned with nausea. She dashed to open the toilet seat and made it just in time before vomiting plain watery bile. "Uggggggg," she groaned. She rinsed her mouth and began brushing her teeth. The minty taste of the toothpaste made her gag, but she managed to hold it in. Shit, I hope nobody heard me, I'm such an idiot, she thought before exiting the bathroom and joining everyone else. Just act normal.

Narancia had put on a Parliament CD and was jamming with the boombox. Oh thank god, Lira thought, they couldn't hear me barfing like an idiot.

"Lira, are you feeling ok?" Bucciarati met her in the kitchen and slid over a plate with toast with jam. "Here, eat that. And drink this," he said as he finished stirring a homemade concoction in a highball glass. He set it down in front of her. Lira stared at the pale yellow liquid still swirling. "What is it?" she asked politely.

"My hangover cure," he said with a smug grin. Lira forced a small smile and took a sip, then a gulp. "Salty lemonade," she said. "Not bad. Thank you, Bruno."

"Anything for you, amore," he said quietly. A devilish look played on his eyes.

Amore. Lira's heart tightened with surprise - and anxiety. He called me that last night. Fuck. He called me that last night after I tried to kiss him. God damnit, I'm an idiot. Lira put her elbows on the counter and hid her face in her hands. I can't believe I tried to kiss him and he said no because I was drunk idiot.

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