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Lira was incredibly sore and tired from her long day of doughnut gags, defense training, and target practice. She dragged herself out of the bathroom after showering and putting on pajamas. Mista was in the living room watching Next and Bucciarati was planning their mission tomorrow at the kitchen table. Lira laid down on her couch bed and watched Next with Mista.

"This guy just got next'd as soon as he stepped off the bus," Mista said in disbelief as he motioned a hand towards the screen. "I wonder if that would happen to me?"

"You? The salami gunman? No way," Lira cracked. Mista scoffed.

"Speak for yourself, Miss couch-night-two," he leaned over and mumbled.

Lira let out a forlorn hum. "You were really smooth today," she said.

"Oh thanks, I shaved but I didn't think anybody noticed."

"Errrm, I meant when you played wingman at target practice," she dropped her voice.

"Ohhh, right, I knew that!" Mista chuckled. "Anything to make you happy, gattina." His voice sounded almost sad. Lira turned to look at him; his eyes were on the reality dating show.

"I should get to bed, do you want this on?" he motioned at the TV. Lira shook her head and he turned it off. "Goodnight," they both said as he left the living room. Mista walked by the kitchen table and mumbled, "Ya gurl's lonely over there," to Bucciarati before walking off. Bucciarati didn't respond but looked towards the living room, which was now dark. He plotted for another hour before closing the laptop and hazily walking over to the edge of the living room. He heard Lira's quiet and steady sleep-breathing. He grabbed a blanket and laid down on the adjacent couch so their heads were in the same corner. Lira's quiet breathing filled his mind as he fell asleep.


"Ooo this is good," Narancia whispered as he held the Polaroid camera up to his eye and clicked the photo. The mechanical noise sounded and a photo was emitted. It wasn't anything scandalous, just Bucciarati and Lira sleeping on conjoined couches. But Narancia thought it would be funny to look at later. Lira stirred awake and Narancia quickly scuttled away.

"Hrmphledrph," Lira grumbled and let out a short, low-pitched whine, "It's bright." She covered her eyes with an arm. She heard a low, sleepy voice grumble "cara," and felt fingers entangling themselves in her hair. Bucciarati? Lira jolted awake at the realization and looked over to see him sleeping on the adjacent couch. She took his hand from her hair and kissed it, causing the sleeping man to giggle. "I'm awake," he grumbled into his pillow, eyes still closed.

"Did you sleep out here?" Lira asked, getting a groan in response.

"Mmhmm," he covered his face with the blanket. Lira went to the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. Bucciarati was clearly up way too late and was gonna need it, considering he had slept in his clothes.

"What had you up so late?" Lira came back with two coffees and biscuits. Bucciarati sat up and took a coffee. He was a disheveled mess; his hair was frazzled with his hairclips askew and falling out. Heavy bags had formed under his eyes, which he could barely keep open, and his skin was gaunt. His clothes were rumpled from sleep.

"Figuring out where this fucking cabin is," he grumbled and held his head. "Decoding Pericolo's directions."

Lira scooted over to him and rubbed a hand up and down his back. Bucciarati let out a sleepy moan. Lovecat appeared and nudged into his arm before nestling down with her front paws on Bucciarati's lap. "Kitty..." Bucciarati mumbled sleepily and scratched her head. Lira chuckled through her nose.

"Meow meow meow," Narancia saw Lovecat and mewed as he strutted into the kitchen in his underwear and stuffed a biscuit in his mouth. Fugo ran out in a short green fluffy robe and threw Narancia over his shoulder before hauling him back into the bedroom. "Always in his underwear," Bucciarati mumbled and sipped his coffee.

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