Mom vs Mom

301 17 24

A/n cringe drunk mom alert

The bell on the door jingled as Fugo walked in. "I brought friends!" he announced as Narancia came in behind him. Next was Abbacchio, who was holding a bottle of wine. He waved at Lira and walked through to the back, letting himself into the apartment.

"Hey Abbacchio!" Lira's mom was heard greeting the man. Fugo wiggled his eyebrows, making Narancia giggle while Lira facepalmed.

Lira was about to snidely comment about everyone being there except Bucciarati, but then ... he walked in. Remaining by the door, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, letting out a quiet "hey" as he stared at the floor. Lira noticed he still had the hairclips as his hair swung forward and covered his face.

"Hey Bucciarati," Lira said casually. Do I say 'nice to see you'? It is nice to see him but that's also kinda passive aggressive... She ended up not saying anything.

"Suit's on the rack," she said cheerily and pointed to the green pants and jacket.

"Ohmigod!" Fugo said, getting undressed down to his thong and immediately putting the holey suit on. Lira noticed Narancia's eyes wandering all over Fugo's body as he disrobed, and she looked at Bucciarati to find that he had noticed Narancia's hungry gaze as well. They made eye contact for a moment, with Lira quickly looking away.

Fugo checked himself out in the mirror. "It's exactly what I wanted!" he said happily. Bucciarati gave him an approving nod.

"Wow, Fugo, you look great!" Narancia exclaimed, blushing slightly. "Lira, can I have my head thing now? Like Bucciarati?"

"Oh, uhh," Lira had totally forgot. She pulled out a bin of fabric scraps and rummaged through it until she found a long orange linen scrap a few feet long. "C'mere," she said to Narancia and tied the fabric around his head in a way that wouldn't fall into his eyes.

Narancia looked in the mirror and yelled, "I love it!!! You're the best, Lira!! It's stupid that your boobies mean you can't join Passione! I'd let you in if I was the boss!"

Fugo's eyes widened and Bucciarati's mouth dropped open as the color drained from his face. "NARANCIA!"

"Huh?" Narancia asked innocently, pulling the corner of his bottom lip down with a finger.

Bucciarati's face now began to flush with embarrassment. "He means women aren't allowed in Passione!" he said a little too quickly, slapping a palm on the back of his neck. "It's really patriarchal and they treat women badly, so, uh, that's what he means!"

"Oh, ok," Lira said slowly, kind of confused about what just happened. "Well, in that case, you should take this cellphone back, since I won't be needing it." She picked it up and walked over to Bucciarati, holding it out for him to take. His face blanched again with guilt. She was totally acknowledging the calls he ignored. He slowly took the phone from her outstretched hand, accidentally brushing his finger against hers. She let her hand hang in the air for a second as they both stared at her fingers.

Bucciarati gave a nod to Fugo and Narancia, who both then left by walking into the back apartment where Abbacchio and Lira's mom were drinking. Lira realized they were now alone. "Uh, what was that nod thing?" she said.

"Isn't it obvious? I told them to leave," Bucciarati said and held the phone back out to her. "This isn't a mafia phone. You're on my family plan."

When Lira took the phone from his hand, he gently grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry, cara," he said. "I was scared and being a coward."

They maintained eye contact for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only a few long seconds. "It's ok," she said. Bucciarati exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding and pulled her into an embrace, her face once again pressed into his bare chest. "That song always makes me cry," he said and let her go. "And gangsters don't cry."

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