Chapter 23

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That night I don't sleep at all. I toss and turn in bed thinking about Finn's offer to come to New York. I look at the clock and sigh in frustration when I see that it's already four in the morning.

New York... I can't get it out of my head. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to go. Not to visit Finn of course. I mean, I could never betray Vincent like that. I wouldn't want him to go on vacation with a girl either. So if I decide to go, I'm going to surprise Vincent. Maybe we can discuss our fight about Snapchat better in person.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and look for the next flight to New York. There is still a last minute ticket for ten o'clock. I check the time again. That means I have six hours, can I make it? Fuck it, I'm going. I don't want to be alone all week, so I jump out of bed to gather my things.


It's eight at night when I finally walk out of Newark Liberty Airport in New York with my suitcase strolling behind me. The flight went smoothly and I was able to sleep for a few hours. I feel like I made the right choice, because I haven't been overthinking everything since I decided to go.

I search Vincent's number in my contacts and call him. I'm not going to tell him I'm in New York just yet, but I need to find out if he's home or not. But he doesn't answer. When I call a second time, he texts me that he will call me after work. That means he is still in the office and I can surprise him there.

I smile broadly and then continue my way to the bus. Fortunately, his office is only a few stops away. Walking to the bus, I don't look around all amazed like I did the first time I visited New York. I have visited Vincent here so many times that I can no longer call myself a tourist. Healthy tension flows through my body from the idea of surprising him.

When I get off the bus 20 minutes later, that healthy tension turns into annoying nerves. I tensily walk into the building.

What's the worst that could happen? I ask myself, but I don't have an answer to that. It's just an annoying gut feeling. Perhaps fear of how he will react, but he is my boyfriend... It should be fun to surprise him.

"Emma!" I hear a woman's voice. I look up and see Kitty sitting behind the counter, she smiles enthusiastically at me. "Vincent didn't tell me you were in New York."

"That's because he doesn't know." I smile modestly as I lean on the counter. I've always liked Kitty, she makes me feel like I belong here.

"Do you want me to let him know you're here?" She asks with all her good intentions, already picking up the phone to call him.

"No, no! I'd like to surprise him." I say quickly. I look at her pleadingly. I know I can't go to his office without her help. She looks doubtful for a moment but finally puts the phone down, smiling at me.

"Here's a pass for the elevator." She winks at me as she slides the lift pass toward me. "Return it when you go back to England."

"Thank you, Kitty." I gratefully take it from her and then disappear towards the elevators. I scan the pass, letting the lift take me to the top floor.

With every level I pass my nerves get a little worse. I decide it's healthy tension, because I want to see Vincent so badly.

When I finally reach the sixty-seventh floor, I take my suitcase and continue my way to his office. I put my suitcase against the wall and hang my coat over it, so Vincent could immediately see the red dress I'm wearing. The dress he doesn't allow me to wear in public because he thinks it's too sexy. If I can't wear it outside, I bet he doesn't mind if I surprise him with it.

I knock on the door, but there's no answer, so I knock again. Maybe he didn't hear it the first time.
"Don't you see the Do not disturb sign?" I hear Vincent bark from inside his office.

My gaze goes to the sign that I had indeed missed. Poor baby, so busy with work that he doesn't even have time to get distracted. I bet he doesn't mind relaxing with me for a while.

Smiling, I grab the handle and open the door. "Surprise!" I shout, but my voice falls to nothing when a woman starts to scream. She looks at me in shock as she tries to cover her naked body. Vincent's gaze shoots to me confused, but then turns to anger as if I'm the one doing something wrong.

"God damnit Emma! What the hell are you doing here?" He yells as I try to understand what I'm seeing. Before they've completely covered themselves, I pull the door shut and run to the elevator with my suitcase. I have to get out of here.

When I get into the elevator, Vincent comes running out of his office wearing only his knickers. "Emma, ​​wait!" His facial expression is no longer angry, but rather shocked. It's weird to see him in such a panic.

When he runs towards the elevator I quickly press the button in an attempt to close the doors faster. "Emma!" I hear him call out one last time. I don't know if I'm in shock or whatever, but I can't cry. I can't feel anything. I can't do anything but stare at the elevator doors until I make it to the ground floor again.

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